Shared custody. Advantages and disadvantages for children

Parental separation or divorce affects the children no matter how hard it tries to lessen the negative burden it entails for the children's lives. Joint custody seems the most balanced solution in case of marriage breakdown but this model has its advantages and disadvantages. In any case, the way in

Parental separation or divorce affects the children no matter how hard it tries to lessen the negative burden it entails for the children's lives. Joint custody seems the most balanced solution in case of marriage breakdown but this model has its advantages and disadvantages.

In any case, the way in which the child manages the separation of the parents and the inevitable change that will occur in their life will depend a lot on the relationship that the parents have with each other. Condemned to be understood for the well-being of children, joint custody requires at least dialogue and communication.

Advantages of shared custody for children

If previously the mother was left with custody after the divorce, today it is shared custody that is most recommended so that the separation is not so traumatic for the little ones. And this model of custody has a series of advantages. La - The break is

less traumatic for the child because none of the parents disappears from their day to day. The family has changed, but it has not broken. Al - By spending the same time with both parents, the child does not have the feeling of abandonment

that he suffers when he spends a lot of time without seeing one of the two. - The child now has two families instead of one and that should be taken as an addition to his life and not as a loss. The role of the parents and their good communication is fundamental for this to happen. Como - As joint custody requires constant communication

between parents, the child does not need to act as an intermediary between the parties, a role that children should never assume.

Disadvantages of joint custody for children Although joint custody may seem like a panacea and the magic remedy so that children do not suffer the negative consequences of a divorce, the fact is that it also has its disadvantages


- In some cases of shared custody the child is always in the same house and the parents are the ones who move, but most of the time it is the child who changes the house in each custody period and that may generate a certain instability.

- Both for school performance and the emotional development of children requires following a certain routine algo, something that is lost by having two houses. When the child is already adapting to the customs and norms of one parent, he has to move to the other's home. - This model of custody can also affect the behavior of children. Two parents, two houses, two different environments each with their rules, with their examples and with their ways of teaching. The child may feel certainconfusion

and rebel against the different ways of educating. Laura Vélez.Redactoria de