Day of Our Lady of Begoña, October 11. Names for girls

Begoña is a name for a girl of Basque origin with an uncertain meaning that, in any case, alludes to the invocation of the Virgin that bears her name. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use is not strange or outdated, but it brings a plus of distinction to any girl. He celebrates

Begoña is a name for a girl of Basque origin with an uncertain meaning that, in any case, alludes to the invocation of the Virgin that bears her name.

Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use is not strange or outdated, but it brings a plus of distinction to any girl. He celebrates his name day on October 11, which is the day of Our Lady of Begoña.

Curiosities about the name Begoña

Because of the meaning of her name, Begoña has a charismatic and overwhelming personality, with a special attraction that is hard to resist. Begoña triumphs in social relationships because of her contagious joy and generosity, but she also does not lack a great sense of responsibility and great vital coherence.

The name Begoña is used almost exclusively in the Spanish-speaking world, being very popular among the girls born in Vizcaya, where the Virgin of Begoña is patron. In any case, we are facing one of those names that give off beauty and warmth so appropriate for any girl.

It may help you to choose the name of your baby the number of relationships that lead to the name Begoña, from the name of a beautiful flower, to a well-known neighborhood of Bilbao and the Basilica of the same name. One of those must-see monuments that you can not miss.

We also know many charismatic women with the name of your daughter. Journalists and writers such as Begoña Aranguren, Begoña Chamorro, Begoña Huertas or Begoña Villamartín. Nor can we forget the actresses Begoña Olavide, Begoña Narváez or Begoña Maestre.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of October, consult our calendar of the names of saints in October. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Editor of