
At present, it seems that children have great difficulty in respecting authority figures, whether their parents, teachers or teachers. The origin of this loss of respect is complex but it has a lot to do with the way of educating children and the role we are giving them in today's society. The famil

At present, it seems that children have great difficulty in respecting authority figures, whether their parents, teachers or teachers. The origin of this loss of respect is complex but it has a lot to do with the way of educating children and the role we are giving them in today's society. The family has become more permissive, centered on the child and his well-being.

Why it seems that the value of respect in children has been lost

Today we have placed the child at the center of all attention and, wrongly, many parents seek only to please their children, avoiding any conflict, problem or frustration . It seems that we are no longer able to contradict them, confront them or deny them anything they ask of us, thus raising more selfish, demanding, impulsive and even aggressive children.

Children do not respect their parents because they are not learning to do it

because they live believing themselves to be the center of the world . So it is necessary to stop, reflect and teach them how to do it. This prior reflection is necessary to see what we are doing wrong and how to apply the following tips so that children learn to respect their parents.10 tips for children to learn to respect parents

If parents want our children to respect us we should be the first to set an example. We must be respectful with our children but not only with them. Children learn fundamentally through imitation, so they should be able to observe how we have respectful interactions with those people we encounter on a daily basis: friends, acquaintances, neighbors, teachers, teachers, bosses, employees ... But we must also explain what respect and what is important For this we must:

1. Offer the best example of respect between us, the parents. When children live in a respectful and quiet environment it is more likely that they will be too. The homes where the lack of respect between the parents are constant and systematic generate the propitious climate so that the seed germinates intolerance and aggressiveness in our children. Escuchar 2. Listen without interrupting their opinions, they and their problems are as important as ours, let's learn to listen to them.

3. Be honest in our messages, not lie to them, disappoint them or deceive them. There is nothing that undermines more respect and trust towards a person than their continued lies and deceptions.

4. Be kind to them, teaching them the value of words: please, thank you, I'm sorry. Ask for forgiveness in case we make mistakes and thank them for their effort in helping us. Ev 5. Avoid giving them everything they ask for when they ask for it, in this way we will be able to avoid becoming 'automatic teller parents' or compliance with their wishes. And although we all want happy children, parents must fulfill the role that we play

and know how to say no in the moments that are necessary

, without fear or fear of their reactions to frustrations.

6. Talk to them without shouting, shouting does not give us more authority or credibility or instill respect. The screams and the bad forms foment the fear and they move our children away from us. The screams are the perfect food for disobedience and disregard. 7. Correct them in a positive way when they contradict us. When a child replies or contradicts us to let us know that his way of answering us is not correct. We must teach that there are other ways of saying the same thing without being aggressive, answerón or bossy. At the beginning we will give you as many examples as necessary.8. Establish clear rules or rules of coexistence. Rules or house rules help family members to maintain a good coexistence. They help us to respect each other and facilitate family harmony, such as not interrupting when mom or dad talk on the phone or ask for things please. Ser 9. Be coherent and consistent in our actions so that our children know that what is wrong is not only because we have a bad day but because it is something that is not right under any circumstances. If one of the rules is' do not jump on the couch 'we will not let it do it at the grandparents' house, in a hotel or because we have a visit and we do not want to set up a scene.

10. Set limits to your tone outputs. Under no circumstances should we allow our children to insult us even when we think they are too young to understand what they are saying. Before any insult or disrespect we must be firm and clear, explaining that this type of treatment is not admitted in our family.

In short, it is about earning respect without imposing it, having authority without falling into authoritarianism and educating children with values ​​as important as tolerance, respect or kindness.