Noël blanc. Christmas song in French

The Christmas carol Noël Blanc is a popular Christmas song that is known in Spanish as Blanca Navidad and in English as White Christmas. In we offer you the lyrics of this carol in French. Noël Blanc is a Christmas song in French that you can sing with your family during the Christm

The Christmas carol Noël Blanc is a popular Christmas song that is known in Spanish as Blanca Navidad and in English as White Christmas. In we offer you the lyrics of this carol in French.

Noël Blanc is a Christmas song in French that you can sing with your family during the Christmas holidays. We offer you the lyrics and video of this carol so your children can learn new vocabulary in French.

Christmas song: Noël Blanc

Oh quand j'entends chanter Noël

J'aime à revoir mes joies d'enfant

Le sapin scintillant the neige d'argent

Noël mon beau rêve blanc

Oh quand j'entends sonner au ciel

L'heure où le bon vieillard descend

Je revois tes yeux clairs maman

Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs

Le sapin scintillant the neige d'argent

Noël mon beau rêve blanc

Oh quand j'entends sonner au ciel

L'heure où le bon vieillard descen tes Je revois tes yeux clairs maman

Et je songe à d'autres Noëls blancs

Video of the French carol for children Noël Blanc