In the good and in the bad I am very similar to my parents

Since I have acquired consciousness, I have always heard in my house my mother and my brothers to say that I am equal to my father. Physically, I inherited a mole on the left side of my cheek, a dark mane that I can no longer boast of, and black, small, half-slanted eyes that almost do not show thro

Since I have acquired consciousness, I have always heard in my house my mother and my brothers to say that I am equal to my father. Physically, I inherited a mole on the left side of my cheek, a dark mane that I can no longer boast of, and black, small, half-slanted eyes that almost do not show through the glasses I wear. Do you think it's important for children to look like their parents?

What does it bring to children that resembles their parents?

Although I have always liked it and on many occasions it has made me proud to look like my father, maybe because of a question of identity, I liked it a lot more like him because of his character and temperament. That's where everyone says I look like him, and how. They say that I have a strong and impatient character. I always want to do and try everything, and I can not stay without doing anything. In this sense, I feel that I am 'stuck' to my father. Super fast road and I'm also tireless like him.

However, although everyone says that I have left my father more than my mother, I do not agree. My mother has virtues that I happily inherited, such as positivism, enthusiasm and wisdom. Also, I'm sure my passion for cooking comes from her, while my love for travel comes from my father. Looking like my parents has not changed or determined anything in my life, but I feel very grateful to be their daughter.

When a couple has a baby it is very common for them to search among the traits of their little one that has something to do with theirs. Who has the baby come from, mom, dad, grandma ...? The truth is that genetics often brings us surprises and the baby does not look like absolutely anyone. I also know some twin girls who do not look like their parents at all, and on top of that, one has come out blonde and the other brunette, one with green eyes and the other brown ... And I wonder: To what extent is it important that there are similar ones?

I believe that being "nailed" to the mother, father or another family member is not important for children. In fact, what do they tell me about adopted children, will they be less happy than biological children because they are not so similar to their father or mother? Our daughter, physically, does not look like her father or me, but it is enough to see her to know she is our daughter. He has a long and beautiful smile like his father's and a facility to laugh like his mother's. And he is happy! What more can we ask?