9 Frequent doubts about the epidural at birth

90 Percent of pregnant moms have doubts about epidural anesthesia and in most cases these come from the lack of information, according to the Anesthesiology Service Hospital of Manises (Valencia). We, the midwives, find ourselves with many doubts about the epidural, on the part of the women who come

90 percent of pregnant moms have doubts about epidural anesthesia and in most cases these come from the lack of information, according to the Anesthesiology Service Hospital of Manises (Valencia).

We, the midwives, find ourselves with many doubts about the epidural, on the part of the women who come to both the consultation and the preparation sessions to the delivery. Preguntas 9 questions and answers about the epidural

1- At what time is the epidural applied?

The timing of the epidural depends on the policies of the medical center, the recommendations of your midwife or obstetrician, the state of labor you are in, the degree of pain you feel and your personal preferences.

Usually the epidural is applied when you are in the active phase of labor. That is, when you have about three or four centimeters of dilation, with three or four painful contractions every 10 minutes.

2- Will it affect my baby?

Epidural anesthesia can reach your baby in minimal amounts (less than if you take medication orally). How it can affect you depends on the amount of medication given, the duration of delivery and the particular characteristics of your baby.

Some of the possible known effects are: decrease in your heart and respiratory rate; mild numbness during labor, so it may be difficult for you to adopt the position for delivery and push yourself towards birth; and difficulty to attach to the breast to suckle once born.

3- After the epidural, what will happen to me?

You will recover the total mobility of the legs one or two hours after the removal of the catheter. Be very careful the first time you want to stand up after delivery. Always have someone who is by your side.

4- Does the anesthetist have to assess us before delivery?

In many private centers, the consultation is carried out at the end of the pregnancy, whether or not you want to use epidural anesthesia. The purpose of the consultation is to ensure that there is no contraindication in case of having to use epidural or general anesthesia. You will also be prescribed a blood test shortly before birth.

However, it is not strictly necessary, since the anesthesiologist will assess before you put on the epidural (in the middle of labor) your analytical and the tests that the professional considers.

5- Is the epidural painful?

Theoretically no. However, if you are apprehensive about needles, it is convenient that you do not look to avoid becoming nervous.

You will notice, after the injection of the local anesthesia, that it produces stinging; pressure in the area of ​​the back where they put the catheter. Keep in mind that at the time you are given anesthesia you may feel small "cramps" in your legs or back.

6- When does the pain of contractions disappear once the epidural is put on?

The epidural acts about 10-15 minutes after injecting it and lasts between 1-3 hours. But the normal thing is that they put a continuous infusion, reason why the effect will last you until the last phase of the childbirth.

7- Does the epidural always work?

Sometimes the epidural does not produce the desired effect. It may leave one area of ​​the body insensitive and the other does not. This is because the catheter is misplaced or the dose is not enough. The anesthesiologist will have to solve the problem.

8- Is the epidural dangerous?

There is no risk to the baby, it is a local anesthetic that barely reaches the placenta. However, a high dose of anesthesia can lower the tension of the mother and through that affect the heart rate of the baby.

The mother may encounter some discomforts such as dizziness, headache, back pain, difficulty urinating ...

9- Does epidural anesthesia affect the rhythm of labor?

It has been confirmed that delays the first part of labor, the dilation of the cervix. However, it does not delay too much, the doses of anesthesia are generally low.