The power of the bond between mothers and children

Would your child need to see you to know that it is you? Would I need to hear you? The answer is No. A resounding no. It would be enough to approach you, touch you, feel you. It is the maternal bond, an invisible bond that unites the children with their mothers since one day another link (physical)

Would your child need to see you to know that it is you? Would I need to hear you? The answer is No. A resounding no. It would be enough to approach you, touch you, feel you. It is the maternal bond, an invisible bond that unites the children with their mothers since one day another link (physical) joined them. But this other link, the one that can not be seen, you have been building and strengthening every day.

The powerful bond that unites children with their mothers

What is the first thing a mother does when she sees her child for the first time? Hug him. What is the first thing the baby does? Feel the skin of your mother. Listen to your heartbeat That scene supposes the beginning of a relationship that will unite them forever. It does not matter how many times the mother changes her hair color or the clothes she puts on. It does not matter if you change the voice or the perfume you use. Your child will be able to recognize it anyway.

An experiment that shows that the maternal bond exists

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Seven mothers, dressed in a similar way. Seven children who have to point to their mother. It will not be easy. In this experiment, children approach them with their eyes covered. The little ones do not doubt for a second. They have it very clear: it is enough for them to approach their mother to recognize her. The explanation is this: connection. A connection that does not understand the senses. It is not the smell, nor the voice. Not even touch. It's something more. A spark, a sensation. Something immaterial that escapes reasoning.

But ... does this mean that a father can not also have a bond with his son? The bond that unites mothers and children is built day by day. It is built with hugs, kisses, positive phrases. It is built based on dedicated time. And of love, of course. Therefore, a mother who adopts can also build an emotional bond with her child. And also a father can have a powerful bond with his son. And why not, a grandfather.

What really creates the link is, without a doubt, the connection. That ability to communicate with your child without words. To know what he feels. That's why: dedicate time to your son. Strengthen the link every day. Hug him, look him in the eyes. Let me talk to you. Give her a caress. And never forget to kiss him.