Hot flushes in pregnancy

Hot flushes in pregnancy ? For many women who are expecting a baby, this unpleasant aspect is the order of the day before becoming a mom. Although hormonal changes and temperature can contribute to their appearance, it is always advisable to know how to avoid them or what to do when they appear. Hot

Hot flushes in pregnancy? For many women who are expecting a baby, this unpleasant aspect is the order of the day before becoming a mom. Although hormonal changes and temperature can contribute to their appearance, it is always advisable to know how to avoid them or what to do when they appear.

Hot flushes of pregnant women

Hot flushes are another nuisance of pregnancy, and many women expect a child to suffer during pregnancy. Due to the drastic changes with the hormones that the woman lives in this special moment of her life, the hot flashes appear practically from the first trimester. This sudden sensation of heat that

drenches in sweat to whoever is living it is usually the most unpleasant, because it makes the body feel that there is much more temperature than it really does, regardless of whether it is really hot or not. Knowing how to face them will be beneficial to be able to fight them in pregnancy. Tips to avoid hot flashes in pregnancy


Drink plenty of water al: as in the case of fluid retention, the secret lies in providing even more fluid to the body. Drinking water is a great response to avoid hot flashes and also to get rid of them if they have appeared. -Wear breathable clothing no: it is not about going unclothed, but fleeing from garments that are not light or breathable, since the feeling of being overwhelmed by being too hot can call hot flashes to the life of the pregnant woman.

- Not to bathe in hot water: recommendations about hot water in pregnancy are quite restrictive, since in addition to being negative for the baby as the date of delivery approaches, it could also affect the health of the mother and your skin. The same happens in hot flashes, it is better to bathe in warm or warm water.

- Light eating: copious meals are not recommended during pregnancy, since it is necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet for the good of the mother and the baby that is coming. Overeating heavy or high fat foods will also make pregnant women have sudden heats due to the change in their metabolism also in digestion.

Marta Marciel . Editor of