Names of cities, countries and continents for children

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options. Traditional names, family names or original names el, the goal is to find a name that matches the baby's personality. In the names of places you can find that ideal name for your child. They are names of cit

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options. Traditional names, family names or original names el, the goal is to find a name that matches the baby's personality. In the names of places you can find that ideal name for your child. They are names of cities, neighborhoods, states, countries or continents that are original and with personality. We have a list with10 place names

for children. Names of places for children 1. Paris.

This name of the French capital is raised by both boys and girls around the world. It is a name closely related to love, but also a mythological name that embodies the Trojan prince who initiated the Trojan War.

2. Milan. Thanks to a famous baby like Shakira and Piqué's firstborn, this name of an Italian city is gaining popularity as a child's name.

3. Floorencio. It is a traditional name and corresponds to the Italian city of Florence. It is impossible to separate the name from artistic evocations, so it has a lot of charisma.

4. Orlando. This is the name of a city in the United States and we are known thanks to a famous actor, Orlando Bloom. We like it because it is a name with personality that stays strong.

5. Brooklyn. One of the best-known neighborhoods in New York is also a nice name for children, including one of the children of a couple as media as Victoria and David Beckham.

6. Denver. Once again, a well-known city in the United States serves as an inspiration to name children around the world. The name is simple but it has a special strength that can reinforce the personality of your baby.

7. Sidney. In Australia is located this city that has become a unisex name, valid for both boys and girls. A name that you like because it is elegant and distinguished.

8. Phoenix. This name of a city in the United States is very popular thanks to actors and television characters. It corresponds to the name Phoenix and its charm lies in the charisma that emanates.

9. Israel. In addition to a country, Israel has been one of the most popular child names in the world for a long time. It belongs to the biblical names so its historical weight is one of its strong points.

10. Mauritius. This name that we locate in some islands is one of those traditional names that never go out of style. A familiar and traditional name that maintains all its strength and freshness.