What is chloramine and how it affects children

In summer, if there is a place that is frequented by families and their children, that is of course a place where there pool . It is essential to cool off from the heat, to spend hours playing with the family, to learn to swim ... However, there is a component within its waters that could harm our c

In summer, if there is a place that is frequented by families and their children, that is of course a place where there pool. It is essential to cool off from the heat, to spend hours playing with the family, to learn to swim ... However, there is a component within its waters that could harm our children: chloramin.

What is chloramine in swimming pools

Chloramine is a chemical compound that is produced when the pool's own chlorine comes into contact with the environment that occurs in a pool caused by the environment and the people who are enjoying themselves her. That is, the organic waste of adults and children who are bathing -suspender and urine, for example, in the case of the smallest- and everything that surrounds the pool itself like the leaves of the branches of trees, the lawn or the insects that roam freely, together with the

chlorine of water cause chloramine. This is precisely what causes the eyes en to redden and sting , and can cause unpleasant long-term effects. How chloramine affects childrenWhen children begin to complain of itchy eyes, many times

we blame the chlorine

of the pool for what happened. Not so, because if the pool is clean, the chlorine does not have to hurt even if you open your eyes underwater. The problem comes when the fact that many people bathe, the outdoors, the environment and bugs and nature in general come into contact with chlorine in the water. Chloramine affects children to such an extent that it can cause asthma if you have a predisposition to suffer it, but also allergies or even other respiratory diseases
