What is psychoballet for children

If we often talk about the need for children to practice sports, today we discover a different discipline that unites sports, the performing arts and piscotherapy and that is mainly aimed at children with behavioral problems and children with physical or mental disabilities. What is psychoballet Psy

If we often talk about the need for children to practice sports, today we discover a different discipline that unites sports, the performing arts and piscotherapy and that is mainly aimed at children with behavioral problems and children with physical or mental disabilities.

What is psychoballet

Psychoballet is an original discipline of Cuba specially designed to help children with special needs. To the practice of ballet that we all know, we add the theatricalization of the choreography and the supervision of the classes by psychotherapists. A full-blown therapy that mixes physical exercise with the performing arts and that has infinite benefits for children.

The question we ask ourselves is:how can psychoballet help children with special needs? Although not yet a well-known discipline, psychoballet is a great help for children and adolescents with behavioral problems, for hyperactive children and also for children with physical or mental disabilities. Benefits of psychoballet for children

Through psychoballet children learn to develop those skills for which they have more difficulties. The originality of the therapy but, above all, with the impulse of creativity, children with special needs can find their way of expression and

feel more secure . Practicing psychoballet stimulates the motor, sensory and psychic abilities according to the needs of each child.Practically speaking, progress is being made such as learning to dress, playing an instrument, discovering how to relax and, ultimately, being more autonomous. Psychoballet is not just physical activity, nor is it just an artistic manifestation, but rather a whole

rehabilitation program to improve the quality of life of children with special needs. But more importantly, psychoballet is aimed at teaching children the

power to excel . Children with disabilities discover that they have more potential than they could imagine and learn to develop all their abilities. Similarly, children with behavioral problems find in psicoballet a means of channeling their emotions in a healthy way and a place to feel integrated.Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com