Excess of amniotic fluid in pregnancy

Polyhydramnios is defined in the presence of too much amniotic fluid in the placenta. Throughout the nine months of pregnancy the amniotic fluid will vary in its composition and quantity, being essential to maintain a certain balance: not much, not much. Causes of excess amniotic fluid in pregnancy

Polyhydramnios is defined in the presence of too much amniotic fluid in the placenta.

Throughout the nine months of pregnancy the amniotic fluid will vary in its composition and quantity, being essential to maintain a certain balance: not much, not much.

Causes of excess amniotic fluid in pregnancy

The causes of this pathology have three origins: maternal, fetal or placental.

1. Maternal causes of polyhydramnios:

- poorly controlled maternal diabetes.

- Isoimmunization of Rh.

- Infections: such as toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus ...

2. Fetal causes:

- Gastrointestinal disorders (duodenal atresia, esophageal, gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia), so that the fetus does not swallow and swallow fluid normally.

- Neurological problems.

- Achondroplasia (lack of growth).

- Multiple pregnancy.

- Fetal drooping.

- Some lung disorders.

3. Placental causes: are the least common, but some alterations in this organ can break the balance of amniotic fluid production.

How can I know if I have a lot of amniotic fluid? The amount of amniotic fluid is controlled throughout the pregnancy, or by ultrasound where the amount is estimated; or in the consultation of the midwife, who controls the uterine height at each visit, which serves to assess the normal growth of the baby or the suspicion of a lot or little amniotic fluid.

At the end of pregnancy, mild polyhydramnios may occur which is not usually associated with any type of pathology, if the pregnancy has been normal and we have been controlled by the midwife and the gynecologist during the scheduled visits.

When we have a more severe polyhydramnios, the management is varied: it can be treated with medications or extracting the extra fluid, but if we suspect infection or genetic alteration an amnioscopy should be performed to have all the possible data about the cause.

How polyhydramnios can affect labor

Women with polyhydramnios are more likely to have labor unleashed prematurely. The delivery of the baby will be in a hospital with the presence of specialists who can provide immediate assessment and treatment.