Scaling or suction blisters in the suckling baby

Often, a few days after birth, the baby has a soft, transparent skin protrusion on the middle part of the upper lip. It is what we know as suction callus or blister. Callo has rather little, because as we said its consistency is soft, and is common in babies who begin to suck (either breastfeeding o

Often, a few days after birth, the baby has a soft, transparent skin protrusion on the middle part of the upper lip. It is what we know as suction callus or blister.

Callo has rather little, because as we said its consistency is soft, and is common in babies who begin to suck (either breastfeeding or artificial).

How to recognize the suction callus in our baby

The characteristics of the suction callus are the following: No - It is not annoying for the baby.

- Does not require special care. You do not have to pull them out, nor do they need special hydration (it's not lip dryness).

- It is soft, whitish and located in the central part of the upper lip. Se - It usually falls to the weeks spontaneously.

In principle, what you need is for the skin to become accustomed to the friction to which it is exposed during all the hours a day that the baby breastfeeds.

Causes and symptoms of calluses or suction blisters in babies

At the beginning of breastfeeding, some babies have a protrusion in the middle part of the upper lip. It is callosities produced by the friction that occurs when feeding (with the teat or chest). Usually the cause is this, another reason why the baby must get used to his extrauterine life.

However, there are times when the presence of the suction callus is a symptom of a poor grip on the part of the baby at the mother's breast; It may be a sign of the presence of a lingual frenulum. It should make us think that it is not physiological that there is a persistent callus in time, accompanied by other symptoms such as:

- Very long shots, the baby gets tired and falls asleep.

- Inadequate weight gain.

- Snapping when suckling, it is perfectly heard how the baby loses the vacuum when sucking.

- Painful shots for the mother, presence of cracks in the nipples.

In these cases the presence of the callus is due to the baby not holding well, and

uses too much the lips and gums

to be able to suck. In these cases it is recommended that the mother go to the midwife or a lactation consultant to rule out problems of grip, presence of frenulum or correct posture.