Stories for children. The toad and the heron

There was once a toad that spent the day hunting mosquitoes and grasshoppers to feed. It was very good hunting and. whenever he went to eat, he would go out in a racket. One day, the toad went to do his daily work on the banks of the river and there he found a sad and disconsolate heron that, appare

There was once a toad that spent the day hunting mosquitoes and grasshoppers to feed. It was very good hunting and. whenever he went to eat, he would go out in a racket.

One day, the toad went to do his daily work on the banks of the river and there he found a sad and disconsolate heron that, apparently, passed a reality contrary to him:

-What's wrong with you heron friend?

-Ah, friend toad! - answered-. If you knew that so far I have not been able to catch any fish and now I am very hungry ...

Cuentos con moraleja para niños

Then the toad volunteered to support the bird and an idea occurred to him: you drag prey to the current and as soon as the fish appeared, they would act immediately. The heron accepted this plan, but when they did it was not very successful. At that time they only hunted a fish that was not enough for their palate.

Despite this, they kept insisting and insisting, and always obtained the minimum result. In a last attempt, the toad opted to dive deep into the river, where it scared the fish to the shore. In this way, luck was his best ally because a lot of fluvial fauna piled up in that place.

So the heron decided to go swimming by the gentle flow where he ate all the fish that crossed him and once he had filled his crop, the bird warned the toad saying: H - Up to here, no more!

And the two left the water and headed towards a hut. There the heron had words of thanks to the toad for his remarkable collaboration which came out benefited, and said:

-How will pay your generosity?

And the amphibian received the esteem with humility responding:

-I feel more satisfied giving than receiving.

So the toad showed that when one does a favor, we should not ask for anything in return. The heron changed the face of sadness for happiness, and both characters said goodbye giving each other a big hug.


Story sent by Luis David Gamonal Suárez from Peru.

And if you or a relative or friend writes children's stories, do not fail to send it to us: CALL US A STORY!