How to know if a contraction is due to childbirth

One of the main fears of any pregnant woman is de not knowing how to detect that she has gone into labor . This uncertainty can cause stress and anxiety in the last month of pregnancy. However, midwives and gynecologists insist that the first signs of childbirth are very evident and the most normal

One of the main fears of any pregnant woman is de not knowing how to detect that she has gone into labor . This uncertainty can cause stress and anxiety in the last month of pregnancy. However, midwives and gynecologists insist that the first signs of childbirth are very evident and the most normal thing is for the woman to realize that the first stage of labor has begun. But, how are the contractions of eparto? When should we go to the hospital? Matron Rita Salvador clarifies these doubts.How are labor contractions in the pregnant woman

Not all pregnant women notice the preparatory contractions or contractions of Braxton Hicks. Many women say they did not realize they had them. And this is because they are painless. The contractions of Braxton Hicks cause the gut to become very hard for a few seconds, but they are immediately passed. The midwife

Rita Salvador explains to us what exactly is a contraction :'The contractions are basically a mystery for women until the moment they perceive them. A contraction is that the uterus contracts, it gets hard, and what you are going to do is

help the baby to get and at the end of the pregnancy, what contractions help us is to expel the baby and that it occurs childbirth. It is true that from about week 32, women can begin to perceive small contractions. They are painless contractions and what the woman notices is that the gut becomes hard. These contractions are what is doing is to prepare and strengthen the uterus so that at the time of delivery, is able to do all the work and expel the baby at the end of pregnancy. The

labor contractions , however, are painful and more regular. But where does the pregnant woman perceive them?'Although the contraction is born in the upper part of the uterus, which we call the fundus, and it radiates normally from the right side to the area of ​​the cervix, the woman especially where she feels the pain is in the part above pubic or in the lower back, in the area of ​​the back, what some women call pains of kidney pains'.

These contractions, which indicate that labor has just begun, can last for hours or even days. There is no need to go to the hospital at all. It is best to wait until the contractions are more regular and painful. It is recommended to go to the hospital when the contractions recur on a regular basis every five minutes.

Video from How to recognize labor contractions