10 Scandinavian names for children

It is very possible that when choosing the name of the baby you lose among so much variety and so many options. That is why in Guiainfantil we are making lists of beautiful names according to their origin and this time we focus on the Scandinavian names for children. The names of Scandinavian origin

It is very possible that when choosing the name of the baby you lose among so much variety and so many options. That is why in Guiainfantil we are making lists of beautiful names according to their origin and this time we focus on the Scandinavian names for children.

The names of Scandinavian origin for children are original names but with a lot of tradition in the Nordic countries. For that reason they are fresh and forceful and also have very eloquent meanings. These are our 10 Scandinavian names for children.

Scandinavian names for children

1. Eric. It is one of the most attractive and popularized Scandinavian names for children. It means 'eternal ruler' and it comes with a totally renewed touch despite its long tradition in the Nordic countries.

2. Axel. The name is also well known outside the Scandinavian countries. It has a meaning related to el 'the war ax' and gives off strength and charisma, so it can be the ideal name for your baby. 3. Odin.

This name represents in its meaning to 'main god' of Scandinavian mythology. Its strength is immense and as a child's name it is the most original without falling into extravagance. 4. Einar.

The name reminds us of the Vikings and means 'warrior leader' . We like it for its musicality and because it gives off a mysterious air with great appeal for any child.5. Oleg.

This Scandinavian name is not unknown to us and yet maintains all its freshness and originality. Its meaning is related to 'health' and we like it because it is one of those short but forceful names capable of highlighting the personality. 6. Haakon.

It is a name of princes and kings which means 'the great son' . Besides being known thanks to European royalty, we like it because it is a name with great strength and personality.7. Niels.

This typically Viking name means 'triumphant of the people' and is presented as a modern name despite having a long tradition. Simple and with personality, it can be the ideal name for your baby. 8. Bjorn.

The name is one of the most popular for children and means 'bear' . We do not find it strange even if we are not very used to its use. That original character places him as one of the best ideas in children's names.9. Svein.

This Scandinavian name means 'young warrior' . It is a very interesting name because it has a distinguished touch and comes surrounded by attractiveness and modernity.10. Harald.

Again a name of royalty that means gene 'generous host' as an ideal name for its musicality and for the charisma that it gives off.