Phrases of the thinker Augusto Cury on education

For the Brazilian thinker Augusto Cury , there is no better treasure than intelligence. The intelligence understood as wisdom. That intelligence that is acquired above all, observing and learning from others. That is why the education of children is fundamental for him. That they can learn from thei

For the Brazilian thinker Augusto Cury, there is no better treasure than intelligence. The intelligence understood as wisdom. That intelligence that is acquired above all, observing and learning from others. That is why the education of children is fundamental for him. That they can learn from their parents and teachers. But above all, from their parents. This is the way to help children to be smart.

In the small details lies the fundamental ingredient to educate children, an education that is built day by day and that is irremediably linked to emotional intelligence, the child's ability to control and manage their emotions. Enhance the self-esteem of children, connect with them and arm themselves with a large dose of patience, are some of their wise advice.

10 Cury tips for parents on the education of their children

1. A healthy and complete education, emotional and intellectual, builds a strong self-esteem and a critical attitude towards the models that are presented. A well-built personality is the best weapon against tyranny.

2. If parents do not know how to accept our mistakes, we will not be able to teach our children to accept theirs and grow with them. If we do not apologize, we can not teach how not to be arrogant, if we do not admit our insecurity we can not teach them to transcend their failures ... Los 3. Children do not need giant parents, but human beings who speak their language and who are capable of penetrate your heart.

4. Many parents work to give the world to their children, but they forget to open the book of their lives for them.

5. If you educate the emotional intelligence of your children with praise when they expect an anger, with encouragement when they expect an aggressive reaction, with an affectionate attitude when they expect an attack of rage, they will be delighted and will see in you a person with greatness. Parents thus become agents of change.

6. Parents and children live very apart. They rarely cry together and never talk about their dreams, their sorrows, their joys and their frustrations.

7. To educate is to sow with wisdom and to harvest with patience.

8. Prepare your child to be, for the world will prepare him to have.

9. Love and admiration are only profound if they are spontaneous. Otherwise, servants will be created and not free people to decide.

10. To educate is not to repeat words, it is to create ideas, it is to enchant.

Phrases by Augusto Cury, Brazilian psychiatrist and thinker.