10 Things that the baby does in the womb

The main concern of a pregnant woman is that the baby grows healthy, but in addition, curiosity about what the baby will do inside the womb is normal. By week 18, pregnant women can already feel the baby's kicks, their elbows, sometimes their hands and even if they have hiccups. They can not see him

The main concern of a pregnant woman is that the baby grows healthy, but in addition, curiosity about what the baby will do inside the womb is normal. By week 18, pregnant women can already feel the baby's kicks, their elbows, sometimes their hands and even if they have hiccups. They can not see him but experience allows them to differentiate one movement from another towards the last trimester of pregnancy.

There are baby movements that will be noticeable to mom, others will not. In any case, studies and ultrasounds reveal that

babies are capable of many other gestures besides kicking. 10 gestures of the baby during pregnancy

1 - Hiccup: this is a normal event due to the immaturity of the baby, whose diaphragm contracts in certain situations.

2 -

It rotates on itself : in the last trimester the baby has little space for it, but in the previous months it is able to turn from top to bottom and from side to side.3 - Swallowing amniotic fluid: it has been verified by ultrasound that the baby swallows liquid and also helps to train your digestive system.


Peeing: the way you swallow, the baby can pee.5 - Kicking: Although the baby begins to move inside the uterus from the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy, usually, the first kicks of the baby begin to be noticed between week 16 and 22 of pregnancy. Se 6- Sucks the finger: ultrasound scans reveal that the baby is already chu sucking her fingerin the uterus, showing that she has the suction reflex.

7 - Listen to the noises that come from the outside: studies show that you can hear what happens outside and although the sounds come muffled, can cause shock, stress or calm.

8- See light : around week 24 or 25 the baby can now open his eyes. If you bring a light source to your belly like a torch, you can follow its flash.

9- Yawn: in the ultrasound it has become clear that the baby yawns inside the maternal womb.

10- Dream: the baby can dream, studies indicate that they enter the REM phase and have dreams.