Day of Saint Christopher of Lycia, July 10. Names for children

Cristóbal is a name for a boy of Greek origin that means 'he who leads to Christ'. It is a rare name but very appreciated by the aristocracy so it is perfect for your child if you want to give a touch of distinction and exclusivity. In addition, its diminutive Cris has all the appeal of a modern nam

Cristóbal is a name for a boy of Greek origin that means 'he who leads to Christ'. It is a rare name but very appreciated by the aristocracy so it is perfect for your child if you want to give a touch of distinction and exclusivity.

In addition, its diminutive Cris has all the appeal of a modern name. He celebrates his name day on July 10, which is the day of Saint Christopher of Lycia.

Curiosities about the name Cristóbal

Because of the meaning of his name, Cristóbal implies a great personality whose main characteristic is strength, both physical and emotional. Cristóbal is apparently a calm and peaceful person, but he grows up in the face of difficulties being able to find the necessary resources to solve any situation. That makes him ideal as a protective figure of the family.

Cristóbal presents many variants in all languages ​​and, although it is not widely used in Spanish-speaking countries, the same does not happen in the Anglo-Saxon world with a strong presence of Christopher. It is also very frequent in the Slavic languages ​​with its Bulgarian variant Hristo, well known by the former player of F. C. Barcelona Hristo Stooichkov.

The name of your son is known by a very particular historical personage, nave the navigator Christopher Columbus , discoverer of America during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. Surrounded always by legend and controversy, Christopher Columbus can not deny either his concern or his entrepreneurial character. As it is also remarkable the tenacity that led him to launch a project in which few believed.The aristocracy has always liked the name Cristóbal for many children, in a trend that continues to this day. But there is a Cristóbal who, without being noble, came to acquire international prestige as a fashion designer, which is none other than the legendary Balenciaga whose creations can be seen in the museum that bears his name in Guetaria.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of March, consult our calendar of the names of saints of July. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez

. Editor of