When can babies see

Of all the senses, the sense of sight is the one we take the longest to develop. The reason: babies spend nine months in the womb, in the dark, and in a small space. When they are born, some babies take time to open their eyes, because the light bothers them. And they can barely see. The sense of si

Of all the senses, the sense of sight is the one we take the longest to develop. The reason: babies spend nine months in the womb, in the dark, and in a small space. When they are born, some babies take time to open their eyes, because the light bothers them. And they can barely see.

The sense of sight takes a few months to develop. In fact, newborns hardly see lumps. They recognize their mother by smell and voice. But they are not able to capture all their features. Little by little, he will focus on his face, and he will capture more colors.

How newborns see

Babies desde see from birth . But they do not look like adults. Its focusing ability is still very limited and also its range of colors. At first, they only focus on the objects they have at a very close distance, at most, about 30 centimeters. That's why babies often get cross-eyed, trying to focus on more distant objects. The newborn's eye is hypermetropic.What the newborn can best see is the face of people. And that's because adults get close to the baby. So the traits of each person are a fantastic place of training for the sight of the baby. Of all the traits, they have a predilection for observing people's eyes and mouth, since they are the parts of the face that offer the most stimuli.

His visual acuityis still very small. It is believed that it can be 20 out of 400.

How babies' eyesight evolves If the newborn can barely distinguish the objects closest to him, after two months el, the environment starts to get bigger. Their focus ability improves and babies can now identify objects farther away while focusing on details. For example, in their own hands, which suddenly discover and analyze.

In addition, from this age, babies

begin to coordinate their eyes and move them more correctly. The baby at this age, is already able to completely follow the circular movement of an object, and although he still sees something blurry, his ability to focus has improved, and he can now observe the objects in depth.Between three and six months

of age, babies are able to capture more colors. After four months you can recnoce the full range of colors. In addition, they learn to anticipate with their eyes the movement of an object. If you roll a ball, the baby will know that it can reach him. Although it will not be until nine months

when the baby sees perfectly. At this age, it can already be said that he has completely developed the sense of sight and can see as an adult.