Urinal or adapter to remove your baby's diaper

One of the most difficult times for a child's development is to remove the diaper. The child learns to pee on the toilet is a complicated task that requires time, dedication and, above all, choosing the right time with all the resources at hand. The question that many parents ask themselves today is

One of the most difficult times for a child's development is to remove the diaper. The child learns to pee on the toilet is a complicated task that requires time, dedication and, above all, choosing the right time with all the resources at hand. The question that many parents ask themselves today is whether the classic potty or the toilet adapter will be better to teach your child to pee alone.

Choose between potty or adapter

Most of us learned to pee in a urinal and remember fondly and imaginatively those scenes of our first contacts with the potty. Our first steps towards a more independent life are linked to fun potties. However, times change to make life easier for parents and babies. The choice between a potty and an adapter to teach the child how to pee is simple.

Choosing the potty of always implies a double learning on the part of the child, with the consequent double effort for parents and children. Keep in mind that first you will have to teach the child to pee in the potty and, later, repeat the process in the toilet itself. A difficult learning step that is avoided if you choose the adapteras the first option.

Although the adapter is not the first step you must take to teach your child to pee alone. Before you start sitting on the adapter, before explaining the need to pee on the toilet, you could change the disposable diapers with cloth ones. Thus the child would realize the unpleasant sensation of being wet, something that does not happen with the most absorbent diapers.

Learning to pee on the adapter

Remember that you will not be able to take off your diapers from one day to the next, the process will take a while and you should not rush, since not all children are ready to pee in the bathroom at the same age. Remember also that children are great imitators, so it would be nice to see how people pee in the bathroom with practical examples.

Once the children have the adapter a available to them, they may use it many times, but other times incidents may occur. Do not be discouraged by those steps back or get angry. Explain to the child how happy you are when you use the adapter but you do not have to scold him when he forgets. In any case, the fundamental premise when removing the diaper is

do not press . No hurry, with patience and good humor, because your child will learn to pee in the bathroom at the right time.