Adopt children who are siblings

Once you have already decided to adopt and you sit in front of the request, among the many options that are presented to you, there is one especially peculiar that is the option of adopting a group of brothers . There are pairs of brothers, groups of three, four ... or groups of brothers so numerous

Once you have already decided to adopt and you sit in front of the request, among the many options that are presented to you, there is one especially peculiar that is the option of adopting a group of brothers .

There are pairs of brothers, groups of three, four ... or groups of brothers so numerous that it is easily understandable the difficulty existing when finding a family willing to take charge of all and with whom the coupling is also a success.

Why adopt siblings?

You must understand that, in view of the need for the forced separation of a child and his biological family, the institutions always seek to make the event as least traumatic as possible for the child so, in the case that he has more brothers, they are going to try that these do not disintegrate.

It is normal for you to be a bit afraid to think about suddenly forming a family with many members but it is also a simpler way for children to fit their past history with their current story because they feel sheltered by the other or the other siblings and they do not feel the break so much. It gives them security because there is a link that always accompanies them and does not mean starting from scratch.

In addition, being several, you will be able to have more information about the small ones because a few data that each of you will be easier to form a more global vision of its history and the particularities of each child.

Difficulties adopting siblings

Then is it that simple? No, nobody has said that it is because you not only have to adapt to a child, you have to adapt to several, of different ages and earn their trust and respect, especially the older brother or who plays the role of responsible for others. We have indicated the largest, because it is usually the one that exercises that role of 'father' or 'mother' although it depends on each case.

It is true that it is relatively easy to enter into some kind of competition for authority with the brother who feels responsible for others because he is the most distrustful, the most protective and therefore, the one who will test us the most . In fact, conflicts are likely to arise between your standards and yours, or between what you both may consider to be the best for the rest of the children. It is a small power struggle.

However, it is important that you take into account the family model you want, if you want to have more than one child or not, the waiting times when processing adoptions from different children, your financial resources and your capacity and, the of your partner if you have it, when it comes to dealing with the arrival of several children at once. Remember that we are not only talking about people, we are talking about children and specifically children who have already had losses so the responsibility of the adult who takes care of them, is always greater.