Narcissistic children or with excessive self-esteem

A narcissistic child is not born, it is done and the fault lies with the parents. A child becomes narcissistic when he has received an overvaluation in childhood by parents or adults in his environment. Parents can value their child with all the good intentions to increase the child's self-esteem, b

A narcissistic child is not born, it is done and the fault lies with the parents. A child becomes narcissistic when he has received an overvaluation in childhood by parents or adults in his environment. Parents can value their child with all the good intentions to increase the child's self-esteem, but when it is done excessively then the self-esteem seems to swell too much and becomes toxic for the little one.

What happens when parents overestimate children excessively

If you want to avoid having narcissistic children you will have to avoid overestimating them excessively, this is the secret. Overvaluing has nothing to do with supporting, guiding or motivating. Overvalue is to say to the children that it does things beautifully even if it is not like that, to tell them that they are the best and that they are above others, when it really is not like that. This will not make children smarter or try harder, just the opposite.

A child who has received too much overvaluation in childhood will most likely become vague, because 'as everything I do is fine for what I'm going to try, others do it for me'. They will think that they are superior beings and there may even be the danger that they will become tyrant children.

The reality is that when a child is too overvalued does not mean that they have better self-esteem, self-esteem has nothing to do here. Although it seems that self-esteem is swollen, what increases is the ego and narcissism. For a child to have a good self-esteem you will need emotional warmth from parents and large doses of reality, where if it is not the best, nothing happens but effort is the best way.

A child who has become a narcissist will think he deserves a better deal, that he is special and that all the best is for him. This will little by little turn the child into a narcissistic child with the following consequences: Se - He will become a

child tyrant .- You will not know how to respect the rules or the limits.

- Will not respect people.


Will not have empathy with the others nor will be able to put in the place of the other. - He will think that the path of effort is absurd, that others do their obligations because 'he deserves it'.

- You will have problems to relate because humility and honesty will shine by its absence.

- They will be children with little self-esteem and too much ego.

- They will have a totally distorted vision of reality where they are the center of the universe. As you can see, the consequences of overvaluing the children are too negative, for this reason it is best to value the children in behavior and attitude