
Harvard University is known throughout the world for the number of important personalities who have studied in it. His fame as an example for other universities may be due to the quality of his teachers. Among them, Tal Ben-Shahar , professor of psychology who attracts hundreds of students every day

Harvard University is known throughout the world for the number of important personalities who have studied in it. His fame as an example for other universities may be due to the quality of his teachers. Among them, Tal Ben-Shahar , professor of psychology who attracts hundreds of students every day.Among his teachings and thoughts, he leaves us an invaluable manual:

the 12 keys to happiness . Here you have them You can also try to fulfill them and teach your son the right way to conquer Happiness.The 12 keys to conquer Happiness according to a Harvard professor

1. Do some exercise.

Exercise is good for the body and also for the mind. 2. Do not forget to have breakfast.

Breakfast is essential to start the day with energy. Many people delay the time of breakfast, and even skip that food. A big mistake. Teach your child since childhood to have a good breakfast. A 3. Thank life for all the good you have. How many times do we stop to think about the things we have? Most of the time we spend time thinking about everything we do not have and want to have, and we forget the amount of

valuable things that we treasure without realizing it. Most of them, immaterial. 4. Be assertive. Say everything you think and what you feel. It will help improve your self-esteem. Shutting things (and feelings) only generates sadness and frustration. Gas 5. Spend your money on experiences, not on things.

Things can get lost. Or store in a storage room. The experiences will never be lost and they always teach something. Travel, try to ride a balloon, study. All these experiences enrich the person and contribute to make him happier. En 6. Face your challenges, do not postpone them . If you can start today, why not do it? Write a weekly list with tasks to do and do it.

7. Paste beautiful memories, phrases and memories of your loved ones everywhere. Sal 8. Say hello and be nice to others.

Kindness generates happiness. Smile changes the mood.9. Wear comfortable shoes.

If your feet hurt, you will not be able to smile. 10. Take care of your position.

Believe it or not, walking upright and with your shoulders slightly back, improves your mood. 11. Listen to music.

You can not imagine the amount of benefits that music brings you. Among them generates endorphins

, the hormone of happiness. 12. Eat well.

We are what we eat, do not forget it. Flee fast food and take care of the raw material with which you cook. Avoid carbohydrates as much as possible and do not skip meals. Try to make the diet balanced .Advice from Tal Ben-Shahar, professor of Psychology at Harvard University
