How to remove tomato stains from children's clothes

The situation is the most usual: our son is eating with all the taste of the world a plate of macaroni, with all his tomato sauce, and it seems that in half of the gastronomic festival has exploded the war. The clothes she is wearing are full of red lights , and despite her satisfaction, wondering i

The situation is the most usual: our son is eating with all the taste of the world a plate of macaroni, with all his tomato sauce, and it seems that in half of the gastronomic festival has exploded the war. The clothes she is wearing are full of red lights, and despite her satisfaction, wondering if that will really come out after putting it in the washing machine is the most normal thing.

Although it often seems impossible, there are certain tricks or home remedies that can give us a guideline on how to eliminate a terrible tomato stain from their prendas clothes garments.Home remedies to remove tomato stains from clothes

The first thing we need to know is that putting

clothes in the washing machine as the tomato children have been stained is a mistake. The red color may disappear and turn yellowish, but with the shape of the stain practically intact. That is why it is better that we know certain home remedies to put an end to the tomato once and for all. To begin with, the garment should be immediately soaked

in a bucket, which will cause the stain to dissolve and dissolve. If we add a few drops of hand soap, you can act faster. Rubbing at this time would not be advisable, since the spot could be extended. Then, before adding any type of product, we can use baking soda

that we have at home, and make a mixture that we put on the spot in question for a few minutes. Tricks to remove tomato stains from garments As for the products or tricks that we can use at any given time against tomato stains are the following: juice or lemon water, vinegar, toothpaste and alcohol.

- If the stain is not too big, our great ally will be


. We just have to squeeze it with our hands and pour the liquid over the area in question. If we let it dry in the sun, it will be easier for it to disappear. El - The vinegarand the

alcohol are for more desperate cases, when the stain already has some time and it will be more difficult to remove it. Start with the vinegar and let it dry can give way to pure alcohol when the situation seems irreversible. El - The case of toothpaste is in the middle of both situations, although it is advisable to do it whatever the moment in question When we have already carried out the remedy in question chosen, we only have to put on the spot a little toothpaste, and rub with an old brush. If the stain is relatively recent it will help its absorption.