Feeding and breastfeeding

The period of lactation helps to burn the fats accumulated during pregnancy since when the baby takes the breast milk, with it go fats necessary for their feeding. This helps to recover the figure and the weight before pregnancy, although this does not mean that we have to reduce the calories we ing

The period of lactation helps to burn the fats accumulated during pregnancy since when the baby takes the breast milk, with it go fats necessary for their feeding. This helps to recover the figure and the weight before pregnancy, although this does not mean that we have to reduce the calories we ingest to lower pso as soon as possible by pulling our reserves.

The importance of feeding during lactation

It is basic that the mother has a proper diet, not only to produce milk, but also to have enough energy to perform all the physical activities required to care for the baby.

From Guiainfantil.com we offer you a selection of articles about feeding during the period of breastfeeding. Here you will find tips and you will also banish some myths.

Feeding during pregnancy and lactation

Hydration during breastfeeding. Why do you have to drink a lot of water during breastfeeding? To maintain the daily production of breast milk, the mother must drink enough liquid, preferably water. If the nursing mother suffers a case of mild dehydration, breastfeeding may not be compromised.

Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. Every May 28 in Spain the National Nutrition Day is celebrated. This year, the motto chosen is 'In pregnancy and lactation, eating well is the best I love you'.

Feeding of the nursing mother. Food more appropriate for the mother during breastfeeding. When a pregnant woman has a correct diet, she accumulates the basic reserves to establish lactation, ensures milk production for her child and good nutrition for herself.

Beer in pregnancy. The results of a new study reveal that a product as rich in antioxidants as non-alcoholic beer can be beneficial for the baby during breastfeeding.

From breastfeeding to porridge. After five months, the baby's diet begins to change. They introduce fruit, cereals ... and solid foods? From when can we give the baby solid foods?

How to increase milk production. One of the main concerns of nursing mothers is whether their child drinks enough milk. Some mothers fear producing little milk. Here you will find some tricks so that the production of breast milk increases thanks to the so-called galactogogues.

Lose weight after pregnancy. The real solution to lose weight without damaging health is the proposal made by the nutritionist Jean-Michael Cohen, author of the # 1 bestseller in France: I decided to lose weight. Now yes, and forever, it goes against the dangerous miracle diets. In this interview granted exclusively to GuiaInfantil.com, Dr. Cohen reveals all the secrets to lose weight after pregnancy,

Cravings during breastfeeding. Cravings do not just happen during pregnancy. Breastfeeding is a very important period and some deficit in our diet may require that we eat certain foods in order to feed the baby better.

Foods that lactating mothers should not eat. Food should not eat the mother during breastfeeding. While the baby is breastfeeding the woman can eat normally, but there are foods that, according to doctors, should avoid, since everything that the mother eats will affect the health of your child.