Foods that cure: the growth of children

The correct growth of children is closely related to their diet. A balance of nutrients in infant feeding is essential to stimulate the development of children. To prevent deficiencies in the growth and development of children, it is important to pay attention not only to calcium, but also to micron

The correct growth of children is closely related to their diet. A balance of nutrients in infant feeding is essential to stimulate the development of children. To prevent deficiencies in the growth and development of children, it is important to pay attention not only to calcium, but also to micronutrients and macronutrients. What foods should not be missing in the diet of growing children? Which nutrients are the most important for the development of children? Dr. María Concepción Vidales Aznar, specialist in Nutrition, Human Dietetics and Eating Disorders, director of the Nutrimedic clinic, and author of the book

Cocina que cura, ensures that a diet rich in macronutrients and micronutrients is what Children need to grow up healthy and strong.Nutrients essential for the growth of childrenMacronutrients for children.In the growth of children the three immediate principles known as macronutrients should never be lacking.

1. Proteins:

are essential elements for the formation of muscles and bones. Proteins are necessary to strengthen the immune system and increase defenses. Meats, fish, eggs and dairy products are foods with a high protein value. 2. Carbohydrates:

are needed to provide energy and fuel. We must choose complex carbohydrates such as cereals, fruits, pasta, bread ... 3. Lipids:

fats are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The healthiest fats or fats are the unsaturated fats and rich in omega 3, which are present in blue fish and olive oil. Micronutrients for children.

They are composed of vitamins and minerals. In this section are especially important calcium, which is present in dairy products and less in green vegetables and fish or nuts. The foods richest in iron are meat, vegetables, legumes and fruits. Preparations of food for children

From the first year of life, the child can eat almost everything, except for some dried fruit. Therefore, the food supply must be varied and the culinary forms must also be varied. Offering the child variety, you will have the opportunity to try everything and experience new textures and flavors. Dairy products can be presented in desserts, béchamel or creams. In the same way, vegetables can be presented in creams or pures, but also in whole pieces so that at first they can experiment even with their hands at lunchtime. The important thing is to facilitate acceptance, at first, with soft flavors and then add every week something new. This same principle should be applied for meats, fish and eggs.

The preparations must be easy to prepare, with ingredients and simple cooking, using olive oil in its proper measure and without abusing the salt in all of them.

Dr. María Concepción Vidales Aznar

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Specialist in Nutrition, Human Dietetics and

Eating behavior disorders
Medical Director of Nutrimedic Clinic
Author of the book
Cooking that heals