How to teach the child not to be impatient

Children are impatient by nature and does not mean that your child is impertinent when he interrupts you while you talk or while there is constant attention, it simply means that he is still a child and that he does not know yet neither what is patience nor how should be more patient. It is natural

Children are impatient by nature and does not mean that your child is impertinent when he interrupts you while you talk or while there is constant attention, it simply means that he is still a child and that he does not know yet neither what is patience nor how should be more patient.

It is natural for children to behave like this and as a father or mother you will have to address this impatience of your child and teach him appropriate behavior so that he does not become an impatient child, an impertinent teenager and an ill-mannered adult.

Patience is a behavior that must be learned

If you want a child not to be impatient you should know that impatience is innate but patience is a learned behavior. If you want to teach patience, you will have to be patient and dedicate enough time to your upbringing something that will make your self control very important and that you leave your mobile phone while you are with your child because he needs attention and that you educate him correctly.

If there are situations in which you are prone to get impatient, angry or nervous (something your child will learn quickly), you will have to "breathe deeply" and think about how you would like your child to face the same situation. Would you like your child to get frustrated and scream when they get older and have to drive to work or when there is a long line? If you want to raise patient children, the first thing you will have to do and the most important thing is to practice patience in yourself. Tips to teach a child not to be impatient You will also have to follow other tips to be able to teach a child not to be impatient and as you grow up know the importance of patience.


Limit the use of technologies

. Television, smartphones, tablets ... the use of technology is a great advance in our society but it is also something that will make us impatient with life. Being always connected to the Internet makes us impatient if we are not. Also when children use too much new technologies can also affect their behavior and academic performance. 2.Do not attend to your child's needs right away.

That the children wait is very positive to cultivate the conscience. There are times when children can wait. 3. Do not shout to talk.

Shouting is an act of impatience and also communicates discomfort and frustration. Instead of shouting at home, it is better to communicate with your needs to be able to speak softly and firmly. Instead of yelling at your child saying something like, 'Shut up, I'm on the phone!', You can say something like, 'Mom is on the phone right now, when I hang up, I'll talk to you.' Remember that children are sponges in learning and if you reason you will understand that it is good to be reasonable instead of impatient. If you change your behavior, your children will also change theirs.