What is pneumonia in children

The word pneumonia often scares parents. The truth is that, in general, at least in most patients of pediatric age, the lion is not as fierce as they are painted. For this reason, I think it is necessary to explain what pneumonia is. To understand this pathology, let's remember first what is the ana

The word pneumonia often scares parents. The truth is that, in general, at least in most patients of pediatric age, the lion is not as fierce as they are painted. For this reason, I think it is necessary to explain what pneumonia is. To understand this pathology, let's remember first what is the anatomy of the respiratory system.

What is childhood pneumonia

Air enters through the nose or through the mouth (upper airway), from where it goes to the trachea, which branches into two main bronchi (one to the right lung and one to the left) . These bronchi, in turn, branch (never better said: like the branches of a tree) in smaller bronchi. The smallest are called bronchioles. The bronchioles end up in little bags called pulmonary alveoli. This is where gas exchange occurs. Well, taking that into account, pneumonia is that situation characterized by the presence of pus in the alveoli. As we see, it is an infection of the lower respiratory tract.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

From a clinical point of view, the child will have a fever (as in any infection), cough and mucus (as in any respiratory infection), but we can also see some respiratory effort (what doctors we call 'tiraje'), irritability, pain in the chest or abdomen and a variable degree of affectation of the general state.

The way to diagnose a pneumonia is through a chest X-ray, where you usually see a 'white spot'. I have to note that, if we request the license plate too soon, we may not see any change in it.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

Although sometimes we have to admit children with pneumonia (if there is poor general condition, need oxygen or complications such as pleural effusion), it is more normal for them to be able to follow a home treatment. Although there are pneumonias produced by viruses, in general, the treatment consists in the administration of an antibiotic for about a week.