Cold fried egg. Fun experiments for children

Can you fry an egg without using heat? In view of this experiment, it seems so! teaches, step by step, to surprise children with a simple experiment to fry a cold egg. In this experiment you will see how egg albumin reacts with alcohol making the egg look fried. Beware, it is not ed

Can you fry an egg without using heat? In view of this experiment, it seems so! teaches, step by step, to surprise children with a simple experiment to fry a cold egg.

In this experiment you will see how egg albumin reacts with alcohol making the egg look fried. Beware, it is not edible! But a very fun way to teach science to children through experiments with eggs.

Experiment to fry a cold egg


  • 1 egg
  • 1 deep plate or source
  • Pharmacy alcohol
Tips: Watch the children because the appearance of the egg will be very tempting, but it is not edible since we must use alcohol of 96º.

How to make a cold-fried egg, step by step

1. Put the alcohol in the dish until it is half full, careful not to touch your hands so that the children do not put it in their mouths. Con

2. Carefully sprinkle the egg on the plate, ensuring that the yolk does not break. Deja

3. Let the egg rest for 10 minutes, you will see how it is frying little by little and the white one stays white.

Video of the experiment: Cold fried egg