How to help children from 2 to 3 years old to speak

Children acquire the language from 2 to 3 years old. In fact, it is one of the greatest achievements that children make at this stage. It is a very sensitive period for verbal communication, since the child incorporates in a natural way to his day to day and in his games the words he is hearing in h

Children acquire the language from 2 to 3 years old. In fact, it is one of the greatest achievements that children make at this stage. It is a very sensitive period for verbal communication, since the child incorporates in a natural way to his day to day and in his games the words he is hearing in his environment. He just listens, imitates and repeats in order to enrich his vocabulary.

At this age, each month they incorporate 6 to 10 new words into their vocabulary. The vocabulary of a two-year-old child is 150 to 300 words. A three year old child already uses in a fluid and natural way 1500-2000 words.

Parents can help the child talk

It is important to help our children in language acquisition. We can help you with the acquisition of new words, for example visiting new places or reading stories to our children, stories are an incredible way to transmit vocabulary.

It is also an important task for parents, to be able to help their children in the correct pronunciation of words. Help them in the correct phonetics of words, in the pronunciation of the letters they mix or not pronounce correctly. We have to invite him to repeat the sound, teaching him how to pronounce it properly.

The letters that are more difficult for babies to learn

There are lyrics that cost more or that they mix and they will be phonemes that learn to pronounce in the last stages of language acquisition sounds like R, L, Z or S to pronounce correctly in some cases even around 5 years. But we can help them by indicating how to put the tongue on the palate en or in the teeth so that they understand how the sound is produced and repeat it, for example the Z which is a sound that is difficult to pronounce, the child can be indicated 'You have to stick your tongue out and bite it'. We can teach our children how phonemes are pronounced from very early ages and we ensure the correct acquisition of language to prevent children from picking up vices with incorrect pronunciations of words that will later be more complicated to eliminate.

The language we have to teach the child about emotions

Through language the child is also acquiring

the ability to name his inner world . Now is the time when he also begins to name his emotions and his feelings. The 2-3 year old child is beginning to build his emotional world, so it is vital to be careful and precise with the labels we are giving our son to incorporate them when naming his new and unrecognizable emotional world.The baby does not know if he is sad or angry, he borrows the words of his father or mother, that when he feels in a certain way they tell him 'how angry are you' or 'how happy are you' and the child starts to name, to recognize and to know that when you feel in a certain way it is called 'sad', 'happy', 'happy', 'angry'.

There are 3015 words in the dictionary that describe emotional states, the more words we can lend to our son so that he begins to understand his emotional world, we will be making him a gift that will accompany him throughout his life.