Santa Carlota Day, July 3. Names for girls

Carlota is a name for girl of Germanic origin with a meaning relative to 'strength' , so it can be perfect to reinforce the personality of your girl. It's a name that is currently topical and will continue to climb positions in the lists of popular names for girls now that the girl from the Dukes of

Carlota is a name for girl of Germanic origin with a meaning relative to 'strength', so it can be perfect to reinforce the personality of your girl.

It's a name that is currently topical and will continue to climb positions in the lists of popular names for girls now that the girl from the Dukes of Cambridge is wearing it. He celebrates his name day on July 3, which is the day of Santa Carlota.

Curiosities about the name Carlota

Because of the meaning of her name, Carlota has a very charismatic personality that devastates among her group of friends. He has all the tools to become a leader and he does not lack creativity and imagination. It is also a name with great strength and a sophisticated touch that we can not resist.

The name Carlota is used in the world due to the popularity of its masculine variant Carlos. We find several forms for the name Carlota from which Carolina or Carla also derives. But if there is a variety that attracts us especially it is Charlotte because of that seductive air that emanates.

It is curious that many royal houses have among their members important figures that bear the name of your daughter. This is the case of the royal house in Monaco where we met Carlota Casiraghi, daughter of Carolina or the Monegasque princess, Charlotte.

The most recent to reach royalty and the one that will undoubtedly boost the name of your daughter to the top of the lists of popular names for girls is the daughter of the Dukes of Cambridge. The new British princess is called Carlota Isabel Diana.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of July, consult our calendar of the names of saints of July. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Editor of