The story of Mother's Day

The oldest celebration of Mother's Day is mythological. It began in ancient Greece, for the festivities in honor of Rhea , the mother of the Gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. At the beginning of the seventeenth century England began to dedicate the fourth Sunday of Lent to all working mothers. On thi

The oldest celebration of Mother's Day is mythological. It began in ancient Greece, for the festivities in honor of Rhea, the mother of the Gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century England began to dedicate the fourth Sunday of Lent to all working mothers. On this day they were dispensed from their jobs so that they could stay at home with their children and their mothers. On this day called 'Domingo de Servir a la Madre', it was celebrated with the preparation of a cake.

The mother of Mother's Day

In the United States, the first suggestion to the creation of Mother's Day occurred in the 19th century, when the writer Julia Ward Howe organized in Boston a meeting of mothers dedicated to peaceFrom there, the struggle to honor mothers was taken by Anna Jarvis, at the beginning of the 20th century, in a small city in the State of West Virginia.

Accompanied by a group of friends, Anna started a movement to institute a day in which all children could honor their mothers.

That struggle helped her to come out of a deep depression due to the death of her mother, and in a short time the celebration spread across the country making President Wilson officialize Mother's Day as a national holiday, being celebrated every second Sunday of the month of May.

Over time, many other countries, from different parts of the world, joined the celebration. The main idea of ​​Anna Javis was to strengthen family ties and respect for parents. A dream come true

But over time, the celebration was losing meaning for her. The popularity of the festival made the date become a lucrative day for merchants, mainly for those who sold white carnations, the flower that symbolizes motherhood. Anna Javis, who spent practically her entire life struggling for people to recognize the importance and value of mothers, came in with a process to nullify Mother's Day, but was unsuccessful. 'I did not create mother's day to have a profit', she said furiously to a reporter, in 1923.She died in 1948, at 84 years of age. She received commemorative cards from all over the world for years, but she did not feel what it was like to be a mother.

Celebration of Mother's Day in other countries

Not all countries celebrate Mother's Day on the same day. In most European countries mothers are honored on the first Sunday of May, and in Latin American countries, the date also varies.

In Mexico for example, it is

May 10 . The Mexicans decided this date thanks to the instance of the journalist Rafael Alducín in the newspaper "Excélsior" on April 13, 1922. On May 10 of that year the party was celebrated for the first time.In Nicaragua, to take another case, it was chosen on May 30 because on that date it was

the birthday of Casimira Sacasa , mother of the wife of Anastasio Somoza, then president of this country in the decade of the 40s.On the other hand,

in Argentina they celebrate it on the third Sunday of October . But the most important thing is not the date, but the recognition and remembrance of the value of all mothers.