Tips for breastfeeding the baby

Breast milk is the best food a mother can offer her baby because it is the most complete, as well as containing all the nutrients that the baby needs for its growth. The World Health Organization advises breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months of age and recommended until 2 years of age. The sooner

Breast milk is the best food a mother can offer her baby because it is the most complete, as well as containing all the nutrients that the baby needs for its growth. The World Health Organization advises breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months of age and recommended until 2 years of age.

The sooner the better. It is important that the child is offered the breast in the first half hour after delivery. In this way, the sucking reflex of the baby is stimulated, which is kept awake to establish an adequate lactation.

Feeding the baby with breast milk

After the first feeding, thenewbornusually falls asleep for a few hours. It is also important not to limit the time of the shots, only the child knows when he is satisfied. During this time, it is recommended that the baby stay with his mother so that the skin-to-skin contact between them is stimulated. Thus, the breast can be offered as soon as it is observed that the child is willing to suckle, and not only when he cries.

Crying is a late sign of hunger. It should not be forgotten that a healthy newborn does not need more fluids than those obtained from his mother's milk, and therefore, it is not necessary or advisable to offer water or serum solutions with glucose. Before giving "supplements" or any food other than breast milk it is advisable to consult with thepediatrician.

Breastfeed the baby

Position of the baby to the breast. Breastfeeding. Position of the baby to the chest. A bad position and an improper grip can cause discomfort when breastfeeding the baby.

Benefits of breastfeeding. Benefits of breast milk for the baby and the mother. Breastfeeding protects the baby against certain diseases and prevents breast cancer.

The role of the midwife. Midwives are registered nurses specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology. They are dedicated to accompanying women in their experiences of maternity, pregnancy, lactation, childbirth, sexuality, etc.

How to breastfeed the baby. Information about the best way to breastfeed and breastfeed the baby. Amounts of daily intakes. How to establish breastfeeding on demand.

Tips to facilitate breastfeeding. Tricks and ideas to make breastfeeding easier. Answers to all doubts about how to breastfeed and feed the nursing baby.

Colostrum, the first milk of the baby. The colostrum begins to occur in the last weeks of pregnancy, and will be the first food that the baby takes during its first two to five days of life, since from that moment is when the breast begins to produce "mature milk."

Questions and answers about breastfeeding. Questions and answers about breastfeeding. How to breastfeed the baby What to do when breastfeeding causes pain to the mother.

Breastfeed the baby in public. Breastfeeding the baby is a natural act. However, when the demand for the shot occurs on the street or in any public place, there are mothers who run into problems. Among them, the social taboos that still prevail or the mother's own modesty. Here we discuss the issue of breastfeeding the baby in public.

Reflexology helps breastfeeding. Reflexology can be very useful at the beginning of breastfeeding. Helps to relax the nervous system, balances the hormonal 'swing' that occurs in the postpartum and also stimulates the production of oxytocin.

The pacifier during breastfeeding. Pacifiers hurt the breastfeeding of babies. Pacifiers and babies. We collect the good and the bad of the pacifier, as well as a series of tips to get the pacifier off babies

Banks of breast milk. Breast milk is the best food your baby can get and also the best medicine that exists for many newborns and babies with health problems such as premature babies or those who have been born with low birth weight. If you want to be a donor mom, milk banks offer you the opportunity to share your milk with them.

Breastfeeding of twins. How to breastfeed twins or twins. Breastfeeding is the best diet for the newborn, but it is not exempt from small complications. In the case of multiple birth, the problems increase, but it is not impossible. We give you some tips to get it.

Breastfeeding and artificial lactation. Breastfeeding and artificial lactation: advantages and disadvantages. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding as the best food for the baby but today artificial milk is a valid option.

When to start breastfeeding. Tips to start breastfeeding. How are the first shots of the baby and what is the best position of the newborn and mom to breastfeed.

Nipple types for breastfeeding. In some cases, the shape of the nipple can create problems when starting breastfeeding. For example, before the inverted nipple, the baby has problems when sucking the milk. We tell you what types of nipples there are, the problems that can originate in breastfeeding and what solutions they have.

The rise of milk. The rise of milk usually occurs between 24 and 48 after childbirth, while the mother feeds the baby with colostrum, the first milk.

How to remove and store breast milk. After the milk of its own mother, donated human milk is the best option to feed the baby, especially if it is sick or premature. We explain how it is extracted and preserved.

Feed the baby with a bottle. Many mothers have regrets about not being able to breast-feed their baby. Whatever the reason may be, they end up wondering why they could not breastfeed and if this will make their child sick more easily or have a weaker bond with parents.