5 Games to teach counting to children

If there's something children enjoy doing once they know, it's counting numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and so on to infinity. So that they know how to do it without getting lost, we can teach them in a simple way not to lose the thread. Also, the more fun these forms are, the better they will remember i

If there's something children enjoy doing once they know, it's counting numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and so on to infinity. So that they know how to do it without getting lost, we can teach them in a simple way not to lose the thread. Also, the more fun these forms are, the better they will remember it in the future. The most important thing is to have patience when doing it, since they will appreciate it. We can do it based on stories with numbers,

songs , with rhymes, withpoems , with images or drawings ... Imagination is infinite, like the string of numbers children will do from then on when they learn to tell .How to teach how to tell our children easily

For children to learn to count in a simple way, it is best to teach them certain games that appear below, so they always remember the succession of numbers. Through songs, visual images or simple rhymes, our children will quickly grasp the trick and will love

knowing how to tell .After these games, they probably learn much faster

the numbers , and feel more curious to tell the farther better, even in other languages ​​they learn in the classroom.Five games for children to learn to count


The game of songs: Practically all children like to create melodies and repeat them. If we sing thenumerical sequence with a sound that is familiar to them, or that they can follow in a simple way, then they will be able to continue saying the numbers. 2.

The game of rhymes: Poems, rhymes, poetry ... The universe of rhymes with numbers is infinite, so that in this way it will be easier for them to learn them and then also know how to do addition, subtraction or multiplication in the future.3.

The game of balls: With little balls that we can make withplasticine or mud , we can go joining them so that the children go knowing how many are present and why they are joining.4.

The game of colors : The one in red, the two in green, the three in blue ... Children have a lot of visual memory, and help them remember why these numbers go in this order. If we use it with tones that catch your attention, it will be much easier for them to relate it later when they are counting.5.

The game of names: In order to always remember the sequence of numbers, we can help them play with the numbers ascending and descending if we substitute the numbers or complement them with words they know easily, or with names of the members of the family, so they can go 'adding up' without getting lost. For example: 1 is Juan, 2 is María, 3 is José, 4 is Martina ... Who is 2? Who comes next? ...Marta Marciel.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com