Irritable bowel syndrome in children

Irritable bowel syndrome, also called 'irritable bowel syndrome' es, is a disease that also affects children. It is characterized by the existence of abdominal pain and / or changes in the intestinal rhythm (diarrhea or constipation). There may be abdominal distension. It is a chronic disorder with

Irritable bowel syndrome, also called 'irritable bowel syndrome' es, is a disease that also affects children. It is characterized by the existence of abdominal pain and / or changes in the intestinal rhythm (diarrhea or constipation). There may be abdominal distension.It is a

chronic disorder with recurrences. That means that the child will go through periods with symptoms, but also in phases without any discomfort. Causes and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in children

The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is unknown. The mechanism responsible is a disorder of the bowel movements. It is more frequent in 'nervous' children, and also in very responsible children, with high academic performance and great self-demand.

The most frequent symptoms

of irritable colonare:- Abdominal pain.

- Change in the intestinal rhythm.

- Abdominal distention.

The pain is usually diffuse

, like a colic (it appears, it becomes more intense and disappears), lasts less than 1-2 hours, respects sleep and is relieved by defecation or gas emission. There may be diarrhea, constipation, al or alternation between constipation and diarrhea. A normal intestinal rhythm can also be preserved. The abdominal distension is usually greater in the afternoon, and may be accompanied by early satiety. Diagnosis and treatment of irritable infantileIts diagnosis is clinical, although it is convenient to rule out the existence of an organic problem. For this reason, your pediatrician will request a basic study:

analysis of blood, urine, stool and abdominal ultrasound

. It is essential to adequately explain what the problem is, and providea series of dietary standards

(slightly increase fiber intake, avoid copious meals, temporarily withdraw drinks with gas ) and behavioral (relaxation training, completion of physical exercise). In recent years, some probiotics (therapeutic bacteria supplied from outside at certain concentrations) that have been shown to improve the quality of life of these patients are being used.