17 Weeks of pregnancy

Week 17 of pregnancy is not so different from week 16. It is time to experience important changes in the body, breasts and back, as well as in emotions. It is one of the stages that women usually enjoy more throughout pregnancy. We arrived at week 17 and it's already time to get to know each other b

Week 17 of pregnancy is not so different from week 16. It is time to experience important changes in the body, breasts and back, as well as in emotions. It is one of the stages that women usually enjoy more throughout pregnancy. We arrived at week 17 and it's already time to get to know each other better and organize a few things.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

As of week 17 the woman may experience an increase in her breasts. The hormones begin to prepare them for the production of milk. Therefore, the blood supply to the breasts is increased, as is also the growth of the mammary glands. The veins begin to become visible. The body of the woman is prepared for a future breastfeeding.

As the pregnancy progresses, increasing the size of the uterus often puts pressure on the bladder, so that the woman will feel the need to urinate more frequently. In addition, the hormonal changes of pregnancy can dilate the ureters, increasing the risk of suffering from urinary tract infections. It is important, in these cases, not to hold the urine, drink a lot of water and go to the doctor if you feel stinging or difficulty urinating.

Due to the increase in weight and the action of hormones, the woman may have some curvature of the back. It is necessary to monitor the posture and if possible, do some physical exercises to strengthen the back. Swimming and yoga are highly recommended, from when the doctor approves.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

Inweek 17if the woman has not done it before, the doctor may suggest triple test or triple screening, that is, a blood test to measure levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and hormones hCG and estriol, in the blood of the mother, and thus check that the baby is well. The doctor may also perform an ultrasound to know if the baby is well formed, if it is in the correct position and, if possible, to know if it is a boy or a girl. From week 17 the doctor, especially if the woman is over 35 years old, will recommend amniocentesis, a test that is done with the collection of amniotic fluid to rule out any chromosomal problem such as Down syndrome.

At this stage it is important that the woman avoid rapid and sudden movements such as jumping and those who have to bend over or bend the joints too much. Physical exercises such as walking and swimming are highly recommended.

The dream is also very important for the woman to keep her emotions balanced. For that, you have to scare away fears, misgivings and reassurance. Massages as well as yoga or tai chi can help you to better sleep and leave worries aside.

Some women may feel abdominal discomfort this week, especially on the sides of the pubis. This is due to the uterine ligaments that stretch to accompany the uterine development and the prolongation of the abdominal muscles.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

As of week 17 of pregnancy, the baby's face will be well formed. The process of growth and maturation of the main organs and systems, such as the nervous, respiratory, genital and others, is a fact. Your kidneys work well and allows you to evacuate sometimes. Through the placenta the urine returns to the mother who takes care of it.

Both baby's eyes and ears evolve well. Their eyes are closed but they are already sensitive to light. At week 17, the baby already has hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, and upper lip.

At this stage, the baby also experiences changes in their skin. It begins to form an adipose tissue (vermix) that helps you maintain body temperature and protect yourself. Your skin that is still transparent allows you to visualize the blood vessels.

She changes her posture frequently, so in the following weeks she will make her mother feel her movements more strongly. The baby begins to express some reflexes such as suction and swallowing.

In this stage, the baby usually measures 13 to 17 centimeters and weigh between 150 and 180 grams, approximately.

Diet and feeding for pregnant women

It is very important that women acquire healthy eating habits at all stages of pregnancy. Especially from week 17 it is convenient for the woman to take care of her diet. It is not necessary to eat for two, but to have a varied diet rich in nutrients necessary for the development of your baby.

In this stage where the embryo develops the extremities of its body, the role of calcium is very important since it will help the formation of teeth, bones, besides favoring the woman's body. Surely, when you do the review with the gynecologist, he will prescribe a calcium supplement.

Iron is also important and should be in the pregnant woman's diet at this stage. You should eat more meats, legumes and nuts.

Constipation can continue to bother the pregnant woman and more with the baby's growth. A diet rich in fibers is recommended and consume at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Curiosities of week 17 of pregnancy

Because of the size of the belly, it is advisable that the woman does not wear heels or tight clothing, to avoid alterations in circulation.

Because of the growth of the breasts, it is convenient that the woman has to buy suitable bras to your new size. Many women increase the size of bra cups by one or two numbers.

The woman has the right to be absent from the workplace for the performance of examinations and medical tests.

It is convenient that the woman wear underwear that holds the uterus well to feel more comfortable and less bothered by the weight of the belly.