15 Weeks of pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, you have all the time to take care of yourself and take care of yourself. Dedicate at least one time a day for your moments of relaxation or care. However, if it is your second pregnancy, you will be more busy taking care of your first child. The 15th week of pregnan

If this is your first pregnancy, you have all the time to take care of yourself and take care of yourself. Dedicate at least one time a day for your moments of relaxation or care. However, if it is your second pregnancy, you will be more busy taking care of your first child. The 15th week of pregnancy is a good time to ask yourself how to tell your child that he is going to have a little brother. You can make her participate in the pregnancy by helping to choose a name for the baby, explaining the process and the advantages of having a sibling.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, your abdomen continues to grow, this means that the skin of your abdomen has to give way until the end of pregnancy. The skin is very elastic and although it seems to you as your pregnancy progresses, that your belly can not grow more, it will increase without problems. There are women with exaggeratedly large bellies and others who seem to be in the middle of their pregnancy when they are in the final stretch.

What you can do to avoid breaking the tissues and show the feared stretch marks is to eat as soon as possible take care of yourself with creams. In this way, you will have well hydrated skin and you will avoid the appearance of those unsightly red lines. It is advisable that you apply moisturizers several times a day.

Another change that you could see in your body in the fourteenth week of your pregnancy is the increase or appearance of varicose veins or varicose veins. They usually leave in the legs due to circulatory problems or due to the excess weight that the legs support. To avoid varicose veins you should avoid being in the same position for a long time, do rotating exercises with your feet, drink plenty of water and walk every day. The bathrooms interspersed with cold water and hot water are also effective and, above all, do not wear clothes that can adjust. Development and growth of the baby in pregnancyYour baby

is already 13 weeks old

, measures about 12 centimeters and weighs around 60 grams. The lanugo, a kind of hair that serves as protection covers his body. His nervous system has developed at a dizzying pace in recent weeks: the thalamus, hypothalamus and ventricles of the brain are already distinguished.An ultrasound may already tell you if your baby is a boy or girl since their genitals are perfectly appreciated. In this 15th week of pregnancy, the baby is very active, performs a lot of movements, swallows amniotic fluid and can even bring his fingers to his mouth.

Your heart with the four cavities already formed are visible through an ultrasound. The fetus already has a bladder and stomach.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

Rh incompatibility sometimes occurs between the mother, if she has Rh- and the child, when it is Rh +. What can happen in this case is that the blood of both are brought into contact,

antibodies can be created against the baby's Rh +

. This event does not have any type of symptom and it will be the doctor who obtains this information as a result of the clinical analyzes. The treatment in these cases is a vaccine for the mother with Rh- at week 28 of pregnancy and as for the baby, the medical staff will be pending at the time of birth to assess a possible Rh incompatibility and act accordingly.The second trimester is a period of emotional tranquility. The first moments have already passed when you felt overwhelmed and cried for any small thing or you felt irascible and angry without having great reasons. You are more adapted to your new situation and the flood of emotions has passed. However, you could in the 15th week of gestation

, be more forgetful and confused

, it is normal, take with humor all those things that you forget throughout the day.Diet and feeding for the pregnant womanDo you feel like eating at all hours? Would you open the fridge and devour everything inside? There may be days when you have a voracious appetite or you develop a need for sweets and chocolate, but you should not lose the perspective of eating a balanced diet.

Carbohydrates should provide more than half of daily calories. It is what will give you the necessary energy in the fifteenth week of pregnancy. You will find them in vegetables, fruits, fiber, green leafy vegetables, minerals and vitamins.

Proteins help the creation of blood cells. The proteins are present in lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs or nuts.

Fats should not be eliminated from your diet, although you should control excessive intake. Fish are rich in Omega3 fats, but beware of tuna or swordfish because they contain a lot of mercury.

The vitamin supplements that the doctor has prescribed will help you meet the needs of your body, but it does not hurt that fruits are part of your daily diet.

Curiosities in week 15 of pregnancy

Rest is fundamental throughout pregnancy. You have to try to sleep 8 hours in a row at night, try to create a routine and go to bed and get up at the same time. Do not drink stimulant drinks at night and use very comfortable clothes and do not squeeze to sleep. Best sleeping position will be on the side, on the left side.

Many pregnant women have strange dreams in pregnancy: that your baby has malformations, the moment of delivery arrives, they lose their baby. They are nightmares that reflect the anxiety or worries of the woman in week 15 of pregnancy.