When the child dreams of falling. How to interpret children's dreams

We are completely asleep, in a deep sleep, and suddenly ... boom! In our imagination, whatever the circumstance, we fall to the ground , and as a general rule, we wake up stunned. This not only happens to adults, but it is also quite common in children, who constantly dream that they end up lying on

We are completely asleep, in a deep sleep, and suddenly ... boom! In our imagination, whatever the circumstance, we fall to the ground, and as a general rule, we wake up stunned. This not only happens to adults, but it is also quite common in children, who constantly dream that they end up lying on the floor. Since it is a usual dream, we need to know exactly what it means for our son to dream that he is walking so fast, or maybe flying in his dream image, and suddenly fall to the ground.When the child dreams that he falls. Dictionary of children's dreams

When the child dreams that he falls, this can have two types of meanings. In the positive reading that always has to be done to any dream symbology, we can bear in mind that falling to the ground and getting up againentails that new opportunity to start.

For children, falling to the ground but being able to recompose themselves and

continue with their activity is very important, so the same happens at the moment they dream of it. Therefore, it is necessary that at first sight we make that completely positive meaning that has to do with dreaming of a fall but its subsequent moment in which the child gets up. What it means that the child dreams that he falls to the ground

However, it is true that this case is present in this symbology that moves away momentarily from the positivism of the first meaning. The other vision involves a small difficulty , because it speaks of an omen in which the child


and later falls with a process of learningor development that at that moment is not able to move forward. Therefore, it is advisable to be attentive to the process of change that the child lives in real life, and that due to causes beyond his control he is having trouble coping with, in order to be able to advance both in reality and in your dreams. Marta Marciel

. Editor of Guiainfantil.com