What grandparents should never do

In the education of children, grandparents have a very important weight. Children who are educated with grandparents will receive values ​​and a very important moral, since their extensive experience in life will make them teach values ​​that parents of children do not yet have. The advantages for c

In the education of children, grandparents have a very important weight. Children who are educated with grandparents will receive values ​​and a very important moral, since their extensive experience in life will make them teach values ​​that parents of children do not yet have.

The advantages for children of having grandparents

In addition, grandparents no longer have the responsibility to grandchildren to educate and train them for the world and real life, since this duty is the exclusive responsibility of parents towards their children. In this sense, grandparents can have a close relationship with grandchildren, making it much more emotional and with values.

Children who are educated by having their grandparents close by or if they live far away, having the figure of grandfather and grandmother very present in their day to day, will grow up having a very important emotional base because they have a very great weight in the formation of the personality and character of the little ones. In addition, it should also be noted that grandparents are the best caregivers of children after parents because of the great emotional bond that exists.

But what happens when grandparents do things they should not do? Sometimes, and perhaps with the best intention, the grandparents get into where they should not be in the education of their children, even being able to disqualify or discredit one of the parents in front of the children, something that is totally inadmissible and we must remedy.

What grandparents should never do in the education of grandchildren

- Grandparents will never have to do things on their own without taking into consideration the parents' opinion about something they want to do with their grandchildren.

- Parents and grandparents should always be on the same educational line, with parents deciding what to do and how to do it.

- When parents have some rules and a series of limits that are made to children for good education, grandparents will have to respect these rules even when the parents are not in front. Otherwise, children would see an educational gap and an incoherence in adult behavior and would not understand why they should behave as they are told. Los - The grandparents

will always have to respect the parents' opinionwithout criticizing or belittling what they think. They should not impose their criteria on the decisions of the parents.If grandparents do not take these tips into account, the consequences on children and grandchildren can be very negative.

Finally, it is convenient to note that the opinion of the grandparents is valid, but

always in the form of support and advice , but never as an imposition or as a way of discrediting the parents. Parents are the ones who must educate and raise children, so their opinions must be respected.