The herniated disc in pregnancy

Back problems and discomforts are common ailments in pregnancy, due to the increase in weight, the growth of the abdomen, the change in the center of gravity of the woman on tape, and the increase in lumbar lordosis (curve of the lower back). Disc herniation is a frequent cause of back pain. And als

Back problems and discomforts are common ailments in pregnancy, due to the increase in weight, the growth of the abdomen, the change in the center of gravity of the woman on tape, and the increase in lumbar lordosis (curve of the lower back).

Disc herniation is a frequent cause of back pain. And also one that raises more questions and questions among pregnant women.

Causes of herniated disc in pregnant women

Discal hernia disorder occurs when part or all of the central portion of an intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus) travels through a weakened part of the disc. When it compresses a nerve ending, it causes discomfort in the back and leg (when it is a lumbar hernia, the most frequent) or in the neck and arm (when it is a cervical hernia).

But, what happens when both circumstances occur: herniated disc and pregnancy? In principle it will depend on the location of the herniated disc, and how the woman carries the nine months of pregnancy.

There are factors that can worsen clinical manifestations and even pain: La - The lumbar location of the a priori hernia is worse than another location, since lordosis is going to increase a lot as the gestation weeks go by. La - Excessive weight gain will cause the joints to become more loaded, and therefore if there is an injury, the pain worsens. La - Inactivity means that the woman does not exercise and tone the muscles, especially the transverse abdominal: our natural sash. El - Pregnancy often makes incompatible the intake of pain medications, and muscle relaxants that are often used during periods of pain outbreak.

- Many times walking (activity that is usually recommended to most pregnant women) can destabilize the joints, the pelvis ... So if you feel that you are not doing well, do not force yourself.

Tips to treat herniated disc during pregnancy


Perform an exercise controlled by health professionals.

Prenatal Pilates, always taught by professionals who understand the peculiarities of a pregnant woman's body with a herniated disc, makes the woman's body tone up and adapts to the changes that will occur during this period.


Go regularly to a physiotherapist to perform massages, so that we minimize muscle tensions or contractures that may appear. - When we have pain

we can apply local heat . -

It is advisable to swim (always supervised by professionals), to be able to work aerobically, if walking does not feel good. In the water we manage to work with an almost null impact on the joints. Remember that the most recommended swimming modalities are 'back' and 'crawl'. The 'breaststroke' swim causes us to force the normal curvatures of the spine, worsening the symptomatology.