Dream about the death of someone close to you. Interpreting children's dreams

We have all dreamed about the death of a loved one. When that happens to us, we usually wake up with a strange sensation in the body, and we wish that this does not happen, besides that we have always present being able to have immediate contact with the person who died in our dream. This can also h

We have all dreamed about the death of a loved one. When that happens to us, we usually wake up with a strange sensation in the body, and we wish that this does not happen, besides that we have always present being able to have immediate contact with the person who died in our dream. This can also happen to our children, in which case it is much more intense, since if already adults do not know how to explain to us many timesdeath

, for them it is even more mysterious even if it was not real, but in their dreams. Therefore, how can we explain that a child dreams that a close person is leaving? The meaning of death in the dreams of childrenThat a child wakes up startled because he has dreamed that

he lost a loved one

is something most unpleasant. However, this means in the first instance that it does not have to be something eminently negative in terms of its dream symbolism. On the one hand, it is logical that the first image that comes to mind if our son dreams that someone dies is distressing

. That is to say, that we think that everything has been terrible and that therefore it has a meaning that can not bring anything good. This does not have to be this way, sincedreaming about death

implies a process of change and personal growth, something that is certainly more internalized in the child, who learns more every day about life. Death is also a part, and depending on your positive or negative vision, we can interpret it. When a child dreams of losing a loved one By this we mean, for example, that if the child has been startled, nervous and also


- something completely logical - when he has dreamed of losing a person to who wants, that is because somehow I would not be prepared for certain changes or growth processes that occur in their first years of life. However, if you have somehow felt relieved by this death

even if it is only in the dream and obviously you do not think of it in real life, this means that you are prepared for these processes of changes that your life contains.