The benefits of baseball for children

It is very important to accustom children from very young to practicing a sport, but it is not so easy to find the most appropriate sport since not all children have fun with the same things. We have looked at the "benefits of baseball" for children because it seems to us one of the most complete sp

It is very important to accustom children from very young to practicing a sport, but it is not so easy to find the most appropriate sport since not all children have fun with the same things. We have looked at the "benefits of baseball" for children because it seems to us one of the most complete sports. If you are not sure which sport is best for your child, if your child does not fit into traditional sports such as football or basketball, you may find that different touch in baseball you were looking for . Baseball is a fun and exciting sport, although in some places it is still unknown. We tell you what are the benefits of baseball for children. Physical benefits of baseball for children

Baseball is one of the más most popular sports in some countries in Latin America and also in the US. In Europe it has not yet been implemented as a sport with tradition, but it is gaining more followers due to the great amount of benefits it brings, especially to children. A sport in which a bat is needed, a ball and that is played in the open air can not but have a great future between parents and children. When playing baseball you gain a great resistance to physical effort

, you have to run, you have to hit and you have to be very careful, so it favors concentration as well as the speed of reflexes. It is a sport that develops the motor skills, the formation of muscles and where the whole body is exercised. So this is the number one enemy of obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

Emotional benefits of baseball for children Being a team sport, baseball also provides a host of emotional benefits

. The fact of belonging to a team strengthens in children values ​​such as friendship, cooperation and companionship, and in places where this sport is not yet well known, children feel special and admired by the rest of their peers. The very dynamics of the game helps children baseball players also develop their social skills. One of the aspects that most benefit from the practice of baseball is the self-esteem of children. As an integral part of a team, the child feels important and essential, gaining confidence and confidence in himself. In addition, the healthy competitiveness that is established in thechildren's championships promue, promotes the capacity for effort and the desire to excel.

Laura Vélez.

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