7 Weeks of pregnancy

If you have not yet attended the gynecologist, it is time for you to ask for an appointment and start to evaluate and solve with you all the doubts that have been arising during these days. They will make a story to know your medical history and those of your family and they will ask you for blood a

If you have not yet attended the gynecologist, it is time for you to ask for an appointment and start to evaluate and solve with you all the doubts that have been arising during these days. They will make a story to know your medical history and those of your family and they will ask you for blood and urine tests. They will also summon you to perform the first ultrasound and thus confirm your pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

Nausea and vomiting may be causing the first discomfort of pregnancy in the seventh week of pregnancy. It is an unpleasant sensation but you can alleviate it by eating small amounts at least 5 times a day and drinking plenty of water. If you feel really bad, consult your gynecologist, but generally this feeling of dizziness will only be present during the first weeks of pregnancy.

You will have a frequent feeling of urination, this is because the kidneys work more effectively to eliminate waste from the body. Do not worry if you have to go to the bathroom every so often, do not hold the desire to pee and try to empty your bladder every time. However, if you notice stinging or pain in urination, consult the doctor because you may have an infection in the urinary tract.

The volume of your breast grows and you will notice sensitivity in the breasts as they prepare to feed the baby that grows inside you. Your waist widens little by little, it is still early to wear pregnant clothes, although women in their second pregnancy notice their bulging abdomen before.

You will feel more tired and decayed, try to reserve a time to be calm, your body is working at full capacity.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In the seventh week of pregnancy your baby is already five weeks old and by the end of this week will measure between 10 and 13 millimeters. An outline of what will be the hands and legs already appears, but the fingers are not yet fully formed.

The size of your baby's head is double that of your body. The ears begin to form and the umbilical cord is developing.

The liver, pancreas and bronchi are forming. Your skin is very thin you can even see its veins under the skin. At the end of the column you can see the embryonic tail, which will disappear as the days progress.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

The increase in progesterone, the hormone that stimulates the growth of a membrane in the uterus so that the embryo can develop and also help milk to be produced in the breasts, will play tricks on you . You could feel extremely sensitive and emotional. You could cry without having great reasons or even star more angry and irascible than at other times.

Feeling fear or worry about the baby is normal, however, in some women it becomes an obsession. It will help you lower your doubtsshare your fears with your partner, look for distractions that prevent your only thought from being your pregnancy or resorting to relaxation techniques.

Try to take care of your body from the beginning to avoid stretch marks. A good hydration daily or even several times a day will help you avoid the dreaded stretch marks. Monitor your fitness, walking daily will be good for your circulation and even if you are an athlete, you can continue doing physical activity, always in a moderate way and consulting your doctor in case of certain sports. Swimming is an ideal sport to practice throughout pregnancy, why not start already in week seven of pregnancy?

Diet and feeding for the pregnant woman

Taking folic acid before and during pregnancy has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of malformations in the fetus. Your diet has to contain this vitamin and you can find it in vegetables and green leafy vegetables. But in addition, the gynecologist will prescribe this supplement. If you still do not take it, discuss it with the person who keeps track of your pregnancy.

You must also ensure that your diet is rich in calcium and follow this feeding pattern when the baby is born. Your diet should be rich and balanced, but surely you have doubts in week 7 of pregnancy about what you can not eat.

Milk and unpasteurized cheeses must be eliminated from your diet, since they contain a bacteria called listeria that could harm the baby. You also have to avoid undercooked or raw meats, raw fish, pâtés, sausages and, in general, any animal product that is poorly treated.

If you are someone who can not do without coffee or a caffeinated soda, try to consume it in moderation. Experts say that an amount less than 300 mg of caffeine a day is not harmful to the baby, but uncontrolled consumption of caffeine could cause harm to the fetus. Remember that caffeine is also present in some infusions, chocolate and some medications.

Curiosities in week 7 of pregnancy

vaginal infections are more frequent in pregnant women due to estrogen, these hormones make the fungus adhere better to the walls of the vagina. The fungi produce irritation, itching and burning in the vagina and lips, discomfort in sexual intercourse and excess vaginal discharge. If you have these symptoms consult the gynecologist to assess it, but vaginal candidiasis is not cotagiosa for the baby and, if it had fungi in any part of your body, you would be treated.

The pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, so if you want to calculate your probable date of delivery, you can use our delivery calculator. With the Guiainfantil pregnancy calendar you will know how the baby develops semana week by week .