Early symptoms of pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms in the first few days may go unnoticed by many women, but if you are trying to get pregnant and can not wait to get a pregnancy test, pay attention to your body's signals. How to know if you are pregnant? It's a very common question when you're looking for a baby. The symptoms of

Pregnancy symptoms in the first few days may go unnoticed by many women, but if you are trying to get pregnant and can not wait to get a pregnancy test, pay attention to your body's signals.

How to know if you are pregnant? It's a very common question when you're looking for a baby. The symptoms of pregnancy can vary from one woman to another, but there are some that indicate a possible pregnancy. The possibilities are greater if several symptoms occur at the same time.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy

- Many women appreciate a slight vaginal bleeding between seven and ten days after possible fertilization. This bleeding is due to theimplantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus se and is manifested by a few drops of pink tone that disappear in one or two days.- The breasts are the area of ​​the body that shows older and earlier symptoms of pregnancy. From the first days,

the breasts become more sensitive and, little by little, the areolas of the nipples darken while showing small bumps or eruptions. - Another common symptom of pregnancy is the

increase in basal temperature, that is, the one that our body has when we get up. Based on the fact that the usual basal temperature is around 36 degrees, you can try to control your basal temperature for three weeks, so if it stays higher than normal, at least 18 days, it is very likely that you are pregnant. Sent - Suddenly feeling repulsion towards smells

to which you were accustomed or appreciating aromas that you previously did not notice is another symptom that may indicate that you are pregnant, since the sense of smell undergoes many changes during the early stages of the baby's gestation. Las - The nausea suffered by some pregnant women usually start towards the end of the first month of pregnancy but, sometimes, they can start earlier. The same goes for the feeling of general fatigue. So if you have several of these symptoms, you could be pregnant.

Enara Rey. Copywriter