Homeopathy for the discomfort of the baby's teeth

Throughout its development the baby goes through truly annoying stages that can cause many pains. It is the case of the appearance of the first teeth, moments of pain, fever, crying, lack of sleep and even diarrhea that can be treated from homeopathy . Homeopathy proposes some remedies to alleviate

Throughout its development the baby goes through truly annoying stages that can cause many pains. It is the case of the appearance of the first teeth, moments of pain, fever, crying, lack of sleep and even diarrhea that can be treated from homeopathy.

Homeopathy proposes some remedies to alleviate the discomfort of the baby's teeth. Differentiated from conventional medicine by using treatments based on nature and without side effects, homeopathy may be the alternative you were looking for to treat your baby in a healthier way.

The first teeth of the baby

It is about 6 months when the baby's first teeth start to come out. It is a painful process where the tooth tries to make its way through the mucosa of the gum. Logically, the discomforts are many and last several days until the tooth finally gets out. If we imagine this process with all the baby's teeth, we can put a logical explanation to the crying baby.

During a good season, our baby will suffer pain, discomfort in the jaw, in the gum, the crying will be frequent and it is possible that at night he can not sleep. In most cases, the baby's first teeth are accompanied by fever and diarrhea. And what can we do to alleviate somewhat this annoying process that the baby must pass through?

Homeopathic treatments for the baby's first teeth

There are many families who dare to give their baby some analgesic to calm the pain produced by the teeth. But homeopathy proposes some more natural and less aggressive remedies than conventional drugs. The Belladonna, for example, is recommended for those cases in which the gums are red and inflamed and the process is accompanied by some fever.

When the appearance of the first teeth affects mainly the baby's sleep and during the night the crying increases, he is restless and can not sleep, homeopathy proposes the remedy of the Chamomilla. And if the baby has an abundant salivation, the homeopathic remedy del Mercurius solubilis is recommended.In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist in homeopathy to indicate not only the best remedy appropriate to the

characteristics of the baby , but also the best way to administer the treatment and its frequency. We are talking about a more or less long process where the baby will have to suffer the discomfort until all the teeth appear.Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com