6 Weeks of pregnancy

From the moment the pregnancy test has confirmed that you are pregnant, a flood of feelings, doubts and fears will assail you: what will my baby be like? Am I pregnant with twins? What can I eat and what foods should I avoid? In Guiainfantil we help you that from this, your sixth week of pregnancy,

From the moment the pregnancy test has confirmed that you are pregnant, a flood of feelings, doubts and fears will assail you: what will my baby be like? Am I pregnant with twins? What can I eat and what foods should I avoid? In Guiainfantil we help you that from this, your sixth week of pregnancy, you have much more information about your pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

During pregnancy, your body suffers a whole series of hormonal, physical and metabolic changes. The most notorious ones are: increased volume of the gut, more swollen breasts, spots on the skin, etc.

In the sixth week of pregnancy you may feel the sensation that the breasts have increased and that your usual bras oppress you. A good option would be to buy fasteners without rings and cotton.

Nausea and vomiting, one of the most common symptoms among pregnant women, will appear in these weeks. However, some women live their pregnancy without any type of dizziness. In case you are affected by this discomfort, it will help you to make between 5 and 6 meals a day, consume easy-to-digest foods or drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.

Another of the symptoms that will make its appearance is the increase in the desire to pee. Frequent urination during pregnancy at this stage is due to the appearance of placental hormones and to the fact that the kidneys more easily remove waste from the body.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

Your baby already measures between 3 and 5 millimeters, is 4 weeks old and does not weigh a gram. Start to sketch what will be the nose, eyes and mouth. His head is noticeably larger compared to the rest of the body.

The heart of the embryo in week six of pregnancy is forming and already has 2 blood vessels. The heart of a fetus beats very fast, you should not be scared when you have an ultrasound and hear a heartbeat at 150 beats because it is normal. In fact, through an ultrasound you can see a form like bean beating intermittently.

The growth of the baby during the first weeks is very fast, in addition. Their organs have to be formed and there is a lot of work to be done. Therefore it is advisable that you lead a healthy life and a balanced diet to supply all this overwork that your body is doing.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life in which she has to take extreme care and monitor her good habits. For the proper development of the baby it is important to completely eliminate alcohol as there are studies that confirm that it is harmful to the baby and reduce the consumption of the caffeine present in coffee and in many soft drinks. Caffeine in large quantities consumed regularly can alter the growth of the fetus.

You will ask in week six of gestation if you can medicate during the pregnancy. Currently there are no drugs totally safe to administer during pregnancy, so you have to consult your gynecologist what you can take in case of colds, flu, asthma in pregnancy or any other ailment that may affect you.

It is a normal fear to think about whether your pregnancy is developing correctly, even fears about sexual intercourse can arise when you think it may affect the baby in some way. Do not worry, if you have a normal pregnancy, there is no reason to avoid having sex with your partner. The uterus is sealed by the mucous plug and also the baby is protected by the amniotic fluid. Yes you can have, in any case, a decrease in sexual desire during the first weeks of pregnancy.

Diet and diet for the pregnant woman

The diet of a pregnant woman must be varied and of high quality. In your menu you should not miss: vegetables, fish, dairy, meats, fruits and cereals. A fundamental vitamin in your diet should be folic acid, which could be prescribed by your doctor as a supplement but you will also find: green leafy vegetables or legumes.

However, do not forget in the sixth week of your pregnancy to avoid very fatty foods, sugars or excess salt and eliminate from your diet, especially if you have tested negative for toxoplasmosis, sausages, undercooked or raw meats and, in general, any animal product little treated. To avoid listeria, a bacteria found in raw milk that can cause malformations, avoids milk and unpasteurized cheese.

It is essential that you eat three meals a day and, if you feel nauseous, increase to 5 servings. Remember that in pregnancy you have to eat for two but not eat for two. The normal weight that a pregnant woman must gain between 12 and 14 kilos, an excessive weight gain or no weight gain could be a risk for the baby.

Curiosities in week 6 of pregnancy

Are you worried that your body changes and you do not recover the figure again? You should know that you will gain weight during pregnancy and that it will take about a year for your body to be the same or at least very similar. Your figure will not be the same during the first months. It will be easier if now, from week 6 of pregnancy, you have a balanced and healthy diet, walk every day, drink lots of water and even practice some type of exercise for pregnant women.