What it means for a child to dream of clowns

That children have a great capacity to imagine is no secret. Our children have a special sensitivity to create worlds of unique sensations, and that also translates into their dreams. For children, the world of dreams escapes both their understanding and adults, so it is always interesting to be att

That children have a great capacity to imagine is no secret. Our children have a special sensitivity to create worlds of unique sensations, and that also translates into their dreams.

For children, the world of dreams escapes both their understanding and adults, so it is always interesting to be attentive to what they can mean or symbolize those images that appear in their minds once they close their eyes. For example, what does mean that our child dreams of a clown ?Dreaming of clowns. Dictionary of children's dreams


clowns are a classic in children's games. They appear on television, in movies, in jokes, in images or songs ... for this reason, it is quite common for the children of the house to have a close relationship with them. But really, how can we interpret them dreaming of a clown ?To begin with, we must be clear about the children's

desire for freedom, beyond what they already have thanks to living without the adult worries, they always want more, something that may end up in a certain way colliding with the imposed authority by parents. Therefore, if a child dreams of clowns - there may be one or several at any given moment -, it means that the child is looking for an escape route to the rules and things to do. That is to say, that a child dreams that he plays with a clown, is that in addition to transferring the usual games to his dreams, he wants even more games and fun, he wants to not have to do those kinds of things that normally bother children and make them even be disobedient. Children's interpretation of the clown dream

In addition to this small rebellion to authority and immense desire to have fun at all times, what a child who dreams of clowns really wants is to express that disagreement towards rules in general.

Therefore, in this particular dream, the child enjoys the purest

style buffoon

to be able to lose the composure sometimes imposed unfairly or too hard by the parents. However, there is a further reading, which has to do with that moment in which the clown may be sad or fail in activities, which would symbolize the fear of a quarrel for not doing what was due in the dream in question. Marta Marciel.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com