14 Weeks of pregnancy

It is likely that at this stage of pregnancy, in the 14th week of pregnancy, you have already suffered from the uncomfortable cramps of pregnancy. They are involuntary contractions of the muscle due to fatigue or a lack of magnesium and potassium. They are not dangerous, just annoying. To avoid them

It is likely that at this stage of pregnancy, in the 14th week of pregnancy, you have already suffered from the uncomfortable cramps of pregnancy. They are involuntary contractions of the muscle due to fatigue or a lack of magnesium and potassium. They are not dangerous, just annoying. To avoid them you can do moderate physical exercise and talk to your doctor if they are very constant so that you prescribe a supplement. There are also foods that can give you this contribution such as bananas, cereals or green vegetables.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

On the face and chest you may notice that puntos red dots have come out, like moles. They are called stellar hemangiomas and they occur because there is a greater capillary fragility but they are not important and tend to disappear after delivery.Your pregnancy begins to be evident at 14 weeks of pregnancy. The most noticeable change you will feel now, from the fourteenth week of pregnancy is the growth of the abdomen. Your waist begins to widen and your usual clothes squeeze you. The uterus grows week by week as the baby develops.

If you want to know where your uterus is you can lie on your back and touch in the area above the pubis and below the navel. You can press without fear of harming the baby since it is protected by the amniotic fluid. Your gums will bleed more than necessary, it is due to the increase in blood flow. You could even have

small nose bleeds . These facts are not serious, they are only discomforts of pregnancy. If the bleeding is abundant, consult your gynecologist.Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

Your baby is already 12 weeks old, measures around 12.5 centimeters and weighs 30 grams. His hair starts to grow on his head, eyelashes and eyebrows. It is practically formed despite the fact that its head is still very large proportionally to the rest of the body.

During week 14 of pregnancy, the baby

performs many movements throughout the day floating in his amniotic fluid bag. If it is your second pregnancy, you may notice that the tingling sensation in your abdomen is due to the movements of the fetus. The placenta provides him with the necessary food and oxygen, his lungs are preparing for the day when he can breathe air outside the maternal womb. Health and emotions during pregnancy

You may already be starting to sleep badly because the new volume of your body does not allow you to have your usual posture in bed. It is important that you acquire new postures at bedtime now, in your 14th week of gestation. The position recommended by all doctors is

on the side, on the left side with the legs pulled up or a pillow between them, this facilitates blood flow. You will realize that sleeping face down is practically impossible. You will wonder when you should go to the hospital or how to know if something is not right in your pregnancy:

- If you have intense vaginal bleeding and red color

- In case of a break in the bag and notes that you are losing amniotic fluid

- Preeclampsia is a disease that must be evaluated by the obstetrician and that presents with high blood pressure, severe headaches and blurred vision.

- In case of having a fever above 38.5º

- Severe and prolonged abdominal pain

Diet and feeding in the pregnant woman

Weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy varies from one woman to another. There are pregnant women who lose weight due to nausea and vomiting and others gain weight very quickly. Your gynecologist will assess what the weight gain will be for your particular case now that you are in the

second trimester of pregnancy .If you have not gained almost weight until the fourteenth week of pregnancy and all your tests are normal do not worry, soon you will begin to gain weight due to the increase in size of the abdomen and the growth of the baby.

On the contrary if you have gained an excessive weight, the gynecologist will review your diet to reduce the amount of fats and introduce more vegetables and fruits. Remember that drinking water will always be beneficial to avoid fluid retention.

The average weight a pregnant woman has to gain is around 12 or 14 kilos. If you have gained weight too quickly consult your gynecologist and

do not go on a diet during pregnancy , it is totally contraindicated.Curiosities in the 14th week of pregnancy

One of the questions that you are sure to ask now in the fourteenth week of pregnancy and you will do in the coming weeks is how your baby will be, who he will look like or what his eyes will look like.

Everything was decided at the time of fertilization,

when the 23 chromosomes of the ovum joined the 23 chromosomes of the sperm. Therefore, the chromosomes always go in pairs, one inherited from the mother and the other from the father. In this way half of your child will be yours and the other half of your father. The laws of genetics are complicated but, for example if your eyes are blue and those of the father brown, there is more chance that your son has brown eyes since it is a dominant character, even so there can always be surprises.