Talos, the bronze giant. Short stories for children

Greek mythology contains the foundations of Western culture. For the children to know it from the beginning, in Guiainfantil we are adapting the mythological stories in the form of short stories for children. So they enjoy and learn at the same time. On this occasion we narrate the legend that even

Greek mythology contains the foundations of Western culture. For the children to know it from the beginning, in Guiainfantil we are adapting the mythological stories in the form of short stories for children. So they enjoy and learn at the same time.

On this occasion we narrate the legend that even today in Crete a bronze giant called Talosis counted. The giant was striding along the Cretan coast watching all those who disembarked on the magical island and the welcome he gave them was quite spectacular.

The incandescent embraces of Talos

There was a time when no one could enter the magical island of Crete. This was the decision of the god Zeus because he had his beloved Europe hidden on the island and he did not want anyone to find it. To avoid visits to the island, he called Talos, a bronze giant that prevented access to Crete.

Talos was the watchman of Crete and the coasts were traveled three times a day. He controlled the incoming ships and as soon as the sailors saw Talos waiting on the beach ready to receive them, they turned around on their boat and left as far as possible from Crete. Because most sailors already knew what was happening to them if they let Talos welcome them.

Talos was approaching the beach to greet those who dared to disembark. Inside his body he had a motor that, when it was started, was overheated and, because the giant was made of bronze, his entire body became incandescent. In this state, he smiled at the sailors, opened his arms and ran to meet them to give them a "warm welcome". - Welcome to Crete! - said the giantTalos

while hugging them with his body burning. Logically, all the sailors died wrapped in that scorching embrace of Talos. There seemed to be no way to enter Crete. Until one day the Greek hero


arrived on his ship, along with the sorceress Medea. As they approached Crete, Jason saw Talos take long strides down the coast and in a moment he stopped to watch the boat and began to turn orange incandescent. Jasonwas afraid and immediately wanted to turn around. But where heroes do not dare, there is always a woman more intelligent and daring than them.

Medea knew the operation of the giant Talos. The giant had only one vein that ran from the foot to the head and there was no way to kill the giant while the ícor continued to flow through that vein. Because through the veins of the gods, the titans and the giants does not flow blood, but ícor. The biggest problem was that nobody could approach him because his body was burning, soMedea

searched among his best spells to throw one at him from the ship. With the spell of Medea, the giant Talos fell asleep immediately in the sand of the beach. You had to hurry. Medea got off the boat, approached the stretched body of the giant and found a screw in the instep. When he opened it, the de Talos í corcorus started to come out of his body, as if he were bleeding. A green liquid stretched across the sand of that beach in Crete and left a trail along the Cretan coast that can still be seen today. This is how thereafter, you can re-enter the magical island of Crete without danger of a giant burning you with your hug.

Laura Vélez . Editor of Guiainfantil.com